Best Practices for Teaching English to Young Learners – Supportive and Scaffolded
Paired Discussion What are some special things you do to help your young learners be successful? Preview 1 Put participants in different pairs to discuss the question. After two to three minutes, have some pairs share their answers. You can ask participants to share what their partner said.
Video Play the video.
Support given to a teacher A construction worker’s job What is scaffolding? Support given to a teacher A construction worker’s job Another word for building Support given to students The class environment Review 1 Let’s review what scaffolding means. Ask participants to vote on the correct answer. Answer: Support given to students
List five ways teachers can scaffold learning for students. 1. 2. 3. 4 Review 2 Possible answers: • break task down into small steps • gestures or body movement • realia or real objects • graphic organizers • give a model first Type the answers on the screen. When participants give an answer, have them give an example from the video. For example, if a participant says, “give a model first”, then an appropriate example would be the teacher modeling the pair work activity: “Who is this? The brother.”