Best practice recommendations for right heart catheterisation: pressure transducer and zeroing [3, 20]. Best practice recommendations for right heart catheterisation: pressure transducer and zeroing [3, 20]. The joint task force of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Respiratory Society recommends setting the pressure transducer to zero at the mid-thoracic line (with a suggested reference point defined by the intersection of the frontal plane at the mid-thoracic level, the transverse plane at the level of fourth anterior intercostal space, and the midsagittal plane [20]) in a supine patient halfway between the anterior sternum and the bed surface [4]. Reproduced from [20] with permission from the publisher. Stephan Rosenkranz, and Ioana R. Preston Eur Respir Rev 2015;24:642-652 ©2015 by European Respiratory Society