Social Media in Careers


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Presentation transcript:

Social Media in Careers Welcome to the Realest of Worlds

Social Media Poll On a separate sheet of notebook paper, write your response to the following questions.

Question 1: How many social media platforms do you have? Which do you use or not use and why?

Question 2: How private do you think your accounts are? Have you checked recently to see what is public or private information being shared? Have you looked at your profile to see what it would look like to a stranger? Why or how?

Why does social media matter in the workplace?

Why do employers use social media to screen potential employees? 65%: to evaluate candidate’s professionalism in terms of social conduct 51%: to evaluate candidate’s fit for the company’s cultural values 45%: to learn more about the candidate’s qualifications 43% of employers said they found something online that encouraged them NOT to employ a candidate.

What did they find? 50%: Inappropriate content posted online 48%: Info about candidate drinking or using drugs 33%: Bad mouthing previous employer 30%: Poor communication skills/ poor language skills 28%: Discriminatory comments 24%: Lied about qualifications BUT 1 in 5 hiring managers said they found something that made them want to hire a candidate...

What did they find? 57%: Professional Image 50%: Good Personality and Values 50%:Wide range of interests 49%: Background reported on resume was accurate 46%: Showed levels of creativity 43%: Showed communication skills 38%: Positive references from others Which platforms do you think employers use most in screening employee candidates?

Social Media Screening: Which platforms do you think employers use most in screening employee candidates?

Question 3: Have you ever added someone you didn’t know on an account? Why? Do you know all of your ‘friends’ on your social media accounts? Why did you or did you not add those who you didn’t know?

Are privacy settings enough? If friends of friends can see your profile, posts, comments, or other material, you may have some issues. 98% of Facebook-using teens are friends with people they know from school. 91% of teen Facebook users are friends with members of their extended family. 89% are connected to friends who do not attend the same school. 76% are Facebook friends with brothers and sisters. 70% are Facebook friends with their parents. 33% are Facebook friends with other people they have not met in person. 30% have teachers or coaches as friends in their network. 30% have celebrities, musicians or athletes in their network.

Question 4: Is it important that sites clearly state and show their privacy policies and share the data they are using and how? Why?

Question 5: Do you sometimes post things on social media that you wouldn’t want your guardians or employers to see? How careful are you about how your posts are perceived by others? Explain.

Privacy Settings & Good Behavior Are privacy settings important? Yes. But what is most important is presenting yourself on social media in a way that is professional, using non-offensive language, and shows fewer personal aspects than you would expect. Better safe than sorry with assuming that someone you know would send a questionable screenshot to someone else. Project your best self on social media.

Quick Social Media Check: Option 1: On your own, go through your social media privacy settings and see what your settings are. Who can see your posts? Who can see your likes/retweets/comments? What do your posts look like overall? Is your profile professional? Why or why not? Write a short reflection on what you could change, add, or remove to make it look more professional. Option 2: With a partner, log out of your social media platforms and try to search your peer’s name and find as much information as possible. Remember, check using Google, but also search within the platforms (Twitter/Snapchat/Facebook) Compare findings once you both have had a few minutes to search, and jot down notes about what changes you could make to your privacy settings and where.

Look at the case study given to you with a partner and answer the questions on the bottom on a separate piece of notebook paper. We will have a discussion about this in about 5-10 minutes.

Discussion Questions: Are any of these issues relevant to you? What other issues do you think would arise with privacy issues that could affect you? How have privacy issues changed with the internet, and how will they continue to change? What is our job as citizens pertaining to privacy rights? What about the government?

Privacy Response: On your notebook paper, write about: What are the most pressing privacy concerns you have for your own life? Write at least 4-5 sentences as a response, with an answer to the question, an explanation, and examples of the impact.