UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre August 2010 Regional Initiative on Capacity Development of National Human Rights Institutions UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre August 2010
Background Recognizing the important role played by National Human Rights Institutions (NHRI) in the promotion and protection of human rights, the UNDP strategic plan makes support to NHRIs a key priority within the governance area. UNDP Country Offices often support NHRIs with Capacity Development projects, in most cases in partnership with other UN agencies (particularly OHCHR). Assessing existing capacities, capacity needs and identifying how to meet them is an important part of the support that can be provided from the regional level.
Objectives of the Initiative With support from the UNDP Global Human Rights Strengthening Programme, the UNDP Asia regional governance and capacity development teams of the UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre partnered with the Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (APF) and the Office of the High Commissioners for Human Rights (OHCHR) to jointly support institutional strengthening of NHRIs in Asia. The objectives of the initiative among others are: To assist NHRIs in the region to generate an understanding of their capacity strengths and needs, and consequently formulate strategies to address these gaps To support South-South cooperation through peer exchanges. Through the entry point of capacity assessments, the initiative is developing a platform for mutual support and peer-to-peer exchange and learning among NHRIs in the region
Piloting the Assessment In 2008-2009 two pilot capacity assessments were conducted with the Malaysian Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) in Malaysia and the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM). The (self) assessment require that the NHRI reflect on their capacities to: Formulate policies Analyze human resources management capacities Handle complaints Engage with partners including civil society Advocate for human rights Leadership development capacities Assess knowledge capacities Analyze accountability capacities
Capacity Assessment Process Discussion with the NHRI to confirm interest and dates of the assessment Preliminary visit or scoping – to explain the CA process to the Commissioners, Directors and Staff; gathering and analysis of relevant documents (2-3 days) Assessment – to conduct the assessment through qualitative interviews and focus group discussions (including with all the Commissioners and staff as well as select external partners), quantitative assessment (development of the questionnaires based on qualitative interviews, through a self-assessment approach), report writing and presentation of draft report. (2 weeks) Finalization of report – to finalize report after a period of 2 weeks where the NHRI provides comments and feedback on the draft report. Formal response – the NHRI provides a formal response to the report and develops an implementation schedule for the recommendations
Impact of the Assessments The assessments carried out in Malaysia and the Maldives have resulted in the NHRIs having a clearer and systematic understanding of their existing organisational capacities, priorities and practical strategies for filling gaps. In Malaysia, the assessment has helped in strengthening the engagement with the UN in Malaysia and facilitated discussions on future collaboration between SUHAKAM and the UNCT. In the Maldives, the assessment has provided a comprehensive basis to re-design the UN project supporting the HRCM. The new project drew on the recommendations from the CA report and has also identified entry-points for further cooperation with the HRCM in other governance projects. The direct involvement of a peer as part of the facilitation team strengthens the learning process and provides exposure to other NHRIs, further fostering South-South cooperation.
Ongoing Assessments In July 2010, in partnership with the UNDP Regional Centre in Cairo, a preliminary visit was made to the Jordan National Centre for Human Rights. The UNDP Regional Centre in Cairo will be facilitating the assessment with APF, OHCHR and the capacity development team from UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre in October 2010. In August 2010, the preliminary visit for the capacity assessment for the Thailand National Human Rights Commission will be completed with APF, OHCHR Regional Office in Bangkok, UNDP Thailand and the UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre. The assessment mission will take place in November 2010.
Documenting Process and Consolidating Lessons The capacity assessment process and lessons have been presented at the annual session of the International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions in Geneva (March 2010) as an effective and innovative way for the UN to support NHRIs and a good example of partnerships with regional networks (like APF) and South-South cooperation among institutions. The process and lessons has also been documented in the draft manual on conducting capacity assessments with NHRIs developed by APF, OHCHR and UNDP. The draft manual includes a set of guidelines on conducting assessments drawing on the two-day workshop hosted by UNDP APRC in March 2009 with NHRIs in the region as well as the pilot capacity assessments. The manual will be finalized by the end of 2010.
Next Steps Develop cross-regional partnerships UNDP has already begun a cross-regional partnership with the Arab Region with regard to the CA in Jordan. There may be potential interest from other NHRIs within the region as well. The Network of African NHRIs have also expressed an interest in adapting the CA tool for their region. Identify interest from NHRIs in the region in undergoing the facilitated self-assessment Ongoing discussion with Palestine and Afghanistan on conducting the CA in 2011