Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Scheme A Survey For PM Awas Yojana
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Eligibility Owing a house in a country like us is a very difficult need to be fulfilled, even by a middle class family. And for a family whose basic income is inadequate to own a decent house with basic conveniences likes electricity and water supply and toilet facility has become next to impossible. Therefore, we see more slum accumulation in urban cities. This is happening because to earn a livelihood, and get acces to better infrastructure and jobs, excess people move in than move out from developed cities in India. For this, we need affordable housing for the section of society whose income is below the median household income in the society.
1. PM Awas Yojana Description In 2015, Our Pradhan Mantri Mr. Narendra Modi initiated a scheme called ‘housing for all’ or Pradhan Manri Awas Yojna 2022. In which, he aimed to provide 20 million homes to the needed ones across country’s length and breadth and to rehabilitate the slum areas in urban cities. The problem arises when housing becomes an item of luxury for home-buyers and builders have started constructing further luxury end residential projects than affordable ones. There raised a huge difference to fulfill the needs of people whose buying capacity is less – Economically Weaker Section And Lower Income Group, and people looking only for luxurious projects. Hence, we need to aid this problem as we want to see country’s overall development. There aresection of society, who are eligible to avail the benefits of this scheme and one must know who are they.
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