Latency to onset of Stage III behavioral seizure activity.


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Presentation transcript:

Latency to onset of Stage III behavioral seizure activity. Latency to onset of Stage III behavioral seizure activity. Onset of Stage III behavioral seizure activity was measured in response to 15 mM PTZ in fish that had stimulator wire insertion and no stimulation (SHAM), stimulation (STIM) or stimulation in the presence of 25 μM POB. Hindbrain stimulation increases seizure onset latency. The effect was partially blocked by the α-noradrenergic antagonist POB. Bars indicate the data median. Boxes and whiskers indicate the 25th to 75th and 5th to 95th percentiles, respectively. Crosses indicate outliers. Ricardo Pineda et al. Dis. Model. Mech. 2013;6:64-71 © 2012. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd