Alfredo R. Galassi et al. JCIN 2016;9:1979-1991 IVUS-Guided Puncture of the CTO Proximal Cap (A) Proximal RCA CTO. The IVUS probe was inserted into a side branch originating at the proximal cap of the CTO. A GW was advanced antegradely, but its position of at the level of CTO entry was very close to EEL (highly suspected subintimal tracking) (A). Therefore, the GW was retrieved and then advanced in a different direction. An IVUS control showed that the GW was far from EEL (B), this means that redirected GW is tracking intimal plaque at CTO proximal cap. RCA = right coronary artery; other abbreviations as in Figures 1 and 2. Alfredo R. Galassi et al. JCIN 2016;9:1979-1991 American College of Cardiology Foundation