4-16-19 Tuesday
MGSE7.RP.3 Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems. Examples: simple interest, tax, markups and markdowns, gratuities and commissions, and fees.
Finding Percent Increase and Percent Decrease Alexis got a raise, and her hourly wage increased from $7 to $8.75. What is the percent increase? 8.75 – 7 = 1.75 1.75/ 7 = .25 = 25% Brian moved from an apartment that is 35 miles away from his school to an apartment that is 15 miles away from his school. What is the percent decrease in the distance from his apartment to school. 35-15 = 20 20/ 35 = 0.5714 = 57%
Calculating Markups and Markdown Mr. Jefferson owns a bicycle repair business and to make a profit, he must markup prices on his services and products. Retail price = Original Cost + Markup The cost for a bicycle seat is $3.50 from the manufacturer. 5.50 = 3.50 + ( ? ) what is the markup cost for the seat? Mr. Jefferson has been unable to sell his neon bicycle reflectors, so Mr. Jefferson decides to markdown the sales price from $3.00 to $2.50. Sales price = Original price – markdown If the original price per reflector is $1.00 each, how much of a profit will he make After the markdown?
Finding Total Cost and Simple Interest Melvin buys a used PS4 controller online from Amazon for $25. Amazon has a 18% sales tax on all items. What is the total cost of the controller? 25 x .18 = 4.50 Price of item + Sales Tax = Total Cost $25 + 4.50 = 29.50 If Melvin buys three PS4 controllers online for $35 along with the 18% sales tax, what will be the total cost for three controllers?
Learning goal #1: Students will be able use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems
Instructional Activities: Teacher will demonstrate how to solve practice problems using Module 5 and worksheets. Students will work with a partner to solve additional practice problems.