General Music Day Twenty Nine
Bell Work How To Always LABEL you bell work with the date. You may use the same page for several of your bell works. ALWAYS use at least THREE complete sentences to answer the question. Save your bell work for bell work check in’s. If you miss class, you may go onto Mrs V’s website to get the missed bell work question. It is YOUR responsibility to get the bell work completed.
Bell Work #29 Imagine you have just arrived home after a difficult day at school. You have a lot of homework and just can’t get in the mood to work on it. What type of music do you put on your ipod or CD player to lift your spirits and motivate you? Use THREE complete sentences!
Planner Homework: No Homework!
Today I will learn: I will demonstrate my knowledge of musical composers through a quiz.
Study Opportunity 1. Does anyone have any questions about the study guide? 2. You will get ten minutes to study INDIVIDUALLY for the quiz. 3. Hand in your study guide. 4. Take out your exit ticket and write: There is no exit ticket today!
Composers Quiz 1. You may begin when you receive your quiz. 2. No talking– raise your hand if you have a question. 3. When you are done, hand your quiz in on the piano. 4. You should read a novel or work INDIVIDUALLY on homework when you are done with your quiz.
Exit: No Exit Ticket Today!