Haifa – Beer Sheva – Jerusalem Sven Hessle November 2012 From Manuscript to Publication in a Scientific Journal Inside Rekommendations from an Editor Haifa – Beer Sheva – Jerusalem Sven Hessle November 2012 17/07/2019 Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University
Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University Find the population of scientific journals within the own area of expertise 17/07/2019 Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University
Important information in scientific journals Journal affiliation Editorial focus Special issues/Supplements Indexed/Abstracted Circulation Frequency of publication Number of articles in each issue Submission of manuscript Format of manuscript Review process Charges Reprint policy Book reviews Subscriptions 17/07/2019 Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University
Strategies for updating the knowledge base (Literature review) Search in Bibliographic Databases; Manual search for Dissertations and Relevant academic journals; Snowball technique in identifying references through earlier discovered articles; Identify Key Pioneer Researchers within the field 17/07/2019 Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University
The content and form of the article Title Does it reflect the content? Key Words Will they direct the readers to the article? Abstract Does it give the aim, methodology, main results and conclusion in 150 words? Introduction Is there a good rational for the study of this formulated problem and making up this aim of the article? 17/07/2019 Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University
The content and form of the article (continued) Does the aim of the study make sense in light of previous research? Literature Review Is it clearly presented as well as related to research questions posed Theoretical Framework How was the study conducted? design, participants, definitions of concepts, measurements, procedures Method 17/07/2019 Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University
The content and form of the article (Continued) Result Are the results described in apropriate detail? Are they relevant in terms of the aim and research questions? Discussion Does the discussion relate findings to the research questions and previous literature? Conclusion Are the arguments relevant and convincing? References 17/07/2019 Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University
The content and form of the article (continued) Are they relevant? Are they too many? Footnotes Appendices When sending manuscripts to journals, tables and figures are usually refered to in the text, and are being put in the end of the manuscript Tables and Figures 17/07/2019 Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University
Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University Review Process Type of review Acknowledgement Review time Revisions Acceptance rate Return of manuscript Lag time to print 17/07/2019 Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University
Indicate the principal problems with the manuscript: _________________Clarity ________________ Currency _______________ Writing style ______________Methodology ____________ Documentation `___________ Conceptual level _____________ Organization If accepted, does the article require professional language editing before publication? Please comment._____________________________________________________________ 17/07/2019 Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University
Rating of the manuscript _____ 1. Accept _____ 2. Provisional acceptance (requires minor revision) _____ 3. Provisional rejection (requires major revision) _____ 4. Reject and Resubmit _____ 4. Reject 17/07/2019 Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University
Important Information Plagiarism, Fabrication and Falsification Open access Scientific article publication and future challenges 17/07/2019 Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University
Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University תודה על תשומת הלב 17/07/2019 Sven Hessle, Ph D Professor of Social Work, Stockholm University