Overlay Districts Presented by: Zina Lagonegro Manager of Zoning City of Rochester December 10, 2018
Intended to be used as a tool to address complicated growth and development concerns or to protect nearby aesthetic, cultural and historic resources, and unique neighborhood contexts.
Overlay Districts can create more flexibility or they can serve a specialize purpose.
Overlay Districts are placed or mapped over an existing zoning district. They are not individual zoning districts.
We have 3 Overlay Districts Overlay Boutique (O-B) Overlay Office (O-O) Overlay Limited-Height District (O-LH)
East Avenue and Alexander Street Area Example of Park Avenue, East Avenue and Alexander Street Area Zoning Map with underlying districts Zoning Map with underlying districts and overlay districts
Overlay Boutique and Overlay Office Mapped only over residential districts. The district receiving the overlay must exhibit signs where traffic and activity levels contribute to an area that is less desirable for family living, and where the area provides an environment that is suitable for small-scale commercial uses that serve the immediate neighborhood without adversely affecting the residential environment or character. Allows for mixed residential and limited small-scale commercial uses in a single structure. All or a portion of an existing structure may be converted. Does not allow new construction. Initial building conversions are subject to Site Plan Review approval.
Overlay Limited Height District Mapped only over R-3 High Density Residential and C-1 Neighborhood Center districts where there is the presence or proximity of features that would be adversely affected by the aesthetic, traffic, parking demands, and other adverse impacts associated with taller buildings, such as: uses in a low-density or medium-density residential district; O-S Open Space Districts; A Preservation District; Local Landmark Properties; Property or structures listed on the State or National Register of Historic Places A park; or Critical Environmental Area.
What does the process look like Meet with the Zoning Office to discuss your desire for an overlay district. This meeting will be used to give guidance and discuss the pros and cons of an overlay district. Communicate your ideas to the neighborhood association or group. Contact your Councilmember. Prepare your application and ask the Zoning Office for a pre-application meeting to be sure you have everything you need. Submit a completed application for processing by: The City Planning Commission (Recommendation) The City Council