Unit 5 Be Obedient
Honouring Thy Family
The Fourth Commandment, “Thou shalt honour thy mother and father,” according to the CCC (2197-2219) “The family is the original cell of social life,” therefore obedience to parents is essential for it to function As adult children, we don’t have to obey in the same way but should respect parents’ advice and wishes, as well as taking care of them This respect extends to others in authority such as teachers and employers Bosses: you may not like ‘em, but you gotta show respect!
4th Commandment “Honor Thy Mother and Father”
What does it mean to be obedient? Obedience is not about doing exactly what someone tells you to do; it is about listening to those in authority and opening the door to your heart to recognize the good that may come from doing as they ask.
What does it mean to be obedient? … teaches us to develop self-discipline, that we may learn to share, cooperate and compromise
What does it mean to be obedient? … teaches us to strengthen our decision making by identifying the common good
What does it mean to be obedient? … teaches us the difference between our wants and needs
Who Should I Obey & Why? Teacher, What Must We Do? (p. 108)
What does it mean to be obedient? Follow His Example (p. 112)
Obedience and the social life The authority, stability and caring relationships from a family are the foundations for freedom, security and caring relationships in society. In other words, the dynamics of how you are raised by your family, become representative of how you life your life as an adult.
Obedience and the social life Jesus recognized the authority of his parents and was obedient to them. We are called to follow his example in our attitudes and responses towards our own parents. In following the fourth commandment, not only do we respect our parents, but also God.
Obedience and the social life The role of the parent is to: Direct Discipline Educate Challenge
Obedience and the social life The lessons we learn at home, that we are called to apply in society, include but are not limited to: Showing patience Having a willingness to forgive Concern for others who are in need Be aware of our own imperfections Love one another
Legitimate Authority & The Common Good Showing obedience for the sake of others is based on respect for all individuals, to establish a peaceful social order. This is achieved when all members of a society feel reasonably secure. The Common Good: Respects the rights of each person Allows for the spiritual/temporal good of society Offers peace and security
Legitimate Authority & The Common Good Authority is legitimate (it is true/real) when it is recognized by the population as a whole and when it serves the common good. When this occurs, we are called to respect this authority, thus, indirectly, serving God. Because positions of authority are important for the well-being of society, we are called to respect, support and protect them.
Legitimate Authority & The Common Good Examples of legitimate authority, which serve the common good, include, but are not limited to: Government School Church
Legitimate Authority & The Common Good We have the responsibility to challenge those in authority when the common good is not being served or when the law is asking us to do something morally wrong.
Obedience in the Church (p. 121)
The Family Circus Imagine a scenario where a parent/guardian tells a child to do something (e.g. going to bed, washing their hands) Create a cartoon (1-4 panels) inspired by the painfully saccharine cartoon The Family Circus about how the child should react They should either obey or protest mildly If your cartoon does this, then you’ll get full marks!