Facebook Page for Business
What Do You Want Your Page to Do for Your Business? A Facebook Page Button and Boosted Posts are used to guide potential clients to where you want them to purchase, donate, or learn about your business. Take them to an email list sign up Take them to a Phone Number Take them to your website OR Take them to specific page on your website
Select Post, Choose Gender, Age, Location, Interests,Form of Payment How to Boost Your Posts Select Post, Choose Gender, Age, Location, Interests,Form of Payment
Engage on Your Page When boosting a Post make sure you have many beautiful posts on your page. People will go to your page to learn more about you and if the Page is empty what will they think? Check your Messages or Inbox! Check your Notifications. Answer questions in the comment box. Interact! Engage! Your are creating relationships!
Be Consistent, Interesting, Interactive There are many other things you can do to create traffic to your page. You can create an Event, post videos, have Live Video chats, the list is endless. The most important thing is to be consistent. So here is one last tip for posting on your page. When Creating a Post click on the arrow NEXT to Publish before you Publish. Select Schedule.
Schedule several Posts at one time. You are creating a Fan Base. Remember that it takes time! Be consistent. Answer your Messages and comments. And most of all have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!