Welcome to World History Subtitle
Mission We will provide your students with an understanding of world civilizations and how they have formed/impacted our culture today.
Intent History does not repeat itself but there are lessons learned and insight gained from understanding the ideas that have formed the cultures of different peoples that make up our great country. Give students with an understanding of world cultures that will give them the insight to be informed citizens IOT vote in a manner that THEY feel serves our country best.
Implied tasks Teach our students to think Prepare them for AP and Dual-credit courses while in HHS. Provide them with the tools needed to succeed in a collegiate environment.
Overview We will speak not only of the past but also the present and future. Students should take away a broad vision of human societies beginning as sparse and disconnected communities that came together over time to form the great civilizations culminating in our civilization of today. We will discuss the impact of: Animal domestication Language Religion The Earth and environment Politics Conflict
Overview (cont) Origins First Civilizations Africa The Americas Africa Exploration The American colonies Age of Revolution American French Marxism Imperialism of the 19th century World War I and the collapse of the “Old Order” WWII and the Cold War Globalization and Challenges in the New Millennium Origins First Civilizations Africa Mediterranean and Middle East Asia Americas The Great Empires Greece Rome China Networks and Communication Rise of Islam Christianity of Europe Fall of Rome and impact on Europe
Expectations and Guidelines We will leverage technology and other tools IOT ensure parents and students are aware of their status in the class and aware of any assignments. Students are expected to not only accomplish assignments to but to read and explore IOT gain a broader understanding of topics than that which can be covered in class. Students are encouraged to question WHY? Our Text is: “The Earth and its Peoples ; AP Edition” Students can obtain a text through the bookroom room 1616. (you may also pick one up today) We apologize but we are not allowed to “lend” out textbooks from our class sets. We will post chapters in Google Classroom Late work is not accepted in PreAP classes. Students will have the option to retake tests if they fail and improve their grade to a 70. If a student misses a daily assignment, they will have three (3) days to complete it upon their return. (most assignments will be in Google Classroom online) If a student misses a major assignment or test, the teacher and student will coordinate to arrive at a time/place that best prepares the student to succeed.
Closing We are excited to have your students! We hope to provide them a glimpse of our past so they may enter the world with a better understanding of how to prepare for their future.