Heaven Our Lifelong Goal – Phil. 3:14 Our Eternal Home - 2 Cor. 5:1 Home of God, Jesus, and all the Angels – John 14:2, Col. 3:1-7, Matt. 18:10
Have you ever thought about what Heaven will be like? Praise & Serve GOD Jesus John Paul GOD Job Timothy Stephen James Peter Abraham Michael Gabriel Moses Daniel David Noah Luke Have you ever thought about what Heaven will be like? Matthew Mark Who will be there? What will we do?
Is Heaven for You? Do you enjoy worshiping God? – Rev. 22:1-5 Do you enjoy learning more about God? – Rom. 11:34, Col. 2:3 Do you enjoy the company of Spiritual people? - 1 Thes. 5:10 Do you enjoy talking to God? – Rev. 22:4 Do you enjoy singing praises to God? – Rev. 5:9 Do you enjoy Spiritual things?
Why?? Or, is it the Giver? Do you Long for Heaven? Is it the gift of heaven you long for? The Fear of Hell won’t be enough! Is it because of the alternative? Why?? Or, is it the Giver?