The most exciting, in-depth, complicated movie you’ve ever seen The most exciting, in-depth, complicated movie you’ve ever seen. Made by Cory Matsui How does the heat from two lava dikes evolve into surrounding rock? The time-dependent parameter T represents: the temperature of the surrounding rock at time t The initial conditions were chosen to be: The surrounding rock has a temperature of 0 The lava dike on the left has a temperature of 1000 The lava dike on the right has a temperature of 800 The following constants were used Specific heat of lava: cp=1 J/g*K Density of lava & rock: ρ=2.7 g/cm^3 Heat conductance of lava & rock: k=.03 J/cm*s*K ‘c’ encompasses these constants Prepared for UC Berkeley course EPS 109 “Computer Simulations in Earth and Planetary Science”, fall 2008, Instructor: B. Militzer
The most exciting, in-depth, complicated movie you’ve ever seen The most exciting, in-depth, complicated movie you’ve ever seen. Made by Cory Matsui