Teacher Training for Professional Competence TT SC - Medellin 05 18/07/2019 Teacher Training for Professional Competence Medellin, Colombia, November 2005 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05 HPC
LearningLab DTU Major tasks Staff Teacher-training courses Support teaching-development projects Staff ~8 persons permanent ~5 projects 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Teacher training in Denmark 1994: Requirement for training of university teachers 1999: Mandatory training for new teachers at DTU 2005: First full professors appointed at DTU on basis of teaching 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Structure of presentation Teaching for competences Teacher training for Teaching for competences content form 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
1. Teaching for competences There is no best way to teach This does not mean that all teaching is good This means that you have to find your own way of teaching in a given situation The question is how? 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Teaching analysis How to teach What to learn How to learn 18/07/2019 TT SC - Medellin 05 18/07/2019 Teaching analysis How to teach What to learn How to learn HPC 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Teaching analysis 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
What to learn 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
What to learn 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
What to learn 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
General competences learning teamwork communication etc. 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Engineering competences analyse complex problems reduce to solvable problem estimate outcome handle high uncertainty design creative solution evaluate solutions meet expectations respect professional ethics 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Engineering competences analyse complex problems reduce to solvable problem estimate outcome handle high uncertainty design creative solution evaluate solutions meet expectations respect professional ethics 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
How to learn 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
How to learn 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
How to learn 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
How to learn 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Learning approaches Surface learning Deep learning Seeks to meet the assessment demands by reproduction and rote memorising Deep learning Tries to understand ideas and seek meaning Conceptual understanding 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
based on empirical research Learning basics Learning is an active psychological process that takes place in the layer between known and unknown You have to work You cannot transfer understanding You have to be motivated You need a starting point based on empirical research 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Learning process model TT SC - Medellin 05 18/07/2019 Learning process model Activity 1: Data collection Empirical process tacit contextual knowledge Double-loop feedback Activity 2: Reorganisation Rational process explicit general understanding HPC 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
How to teach 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Implications to teaching from learning approaches from learning basics from learning process model form general competences from engineering competences 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Implications to teaching from learning approaches from learning basics from learning process model form general competences from engineering competences 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Implications to teaching from learning approaches from learning basics from learning process model form general competences from engineering competences 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
a. from learning approaches Deep learning approach assessment learning focus time to absorption curriculum overloading core elements 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
b. from learning basics auditorium laboratory You have to work auditorium laboratory You cannot transfer understanding deductive inductive teaching You have to be motivated teacher control student influence You need a starting point abstract contextual teaching de-learning 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
c. from learning process model Double-loop feedback Feedback is important Make sure to get through both loops Loop 1 Student controlled physical activity Loop 2 Teacher facilitated mental activity 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
e. from generic competences Learning skills independent work Teamwork skills group work Communication skills doing presentations 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
f. from eng. competences Analyse, reduce, solve complex problems Use ill-defined open problems Estimate, handle uncertainty, evaluate Practice a lot to train technical skills Meet expectations and respect ethics Train attitude with real-world problems Be creative Do not at all use simple textbook drills 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
What a teacher does A teacher facilitate student learning (Teaching) evaluate student learning (Assessing)* and to do this a teacher structure student learning (Planning) *Grading 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
What a teacher does 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
How to plan The MIdwiFE model Motivate learning Initiate learning work TT SC - Medellin 05 18/07/2019 How to plan The MIdwiFE model Motivate learning Initiate learning Relate to student knowledge work Facilitate learning Evaluate learning HPC 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
work work How to plan loop 1 loop 2 Spiral learning 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
How to facilitate Test* Focus on core elements Student influence Varied activities Open ill-defined authentic problems Group work Peer teaching *no grading 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
How to assess Assessment objectives Requirements to assessment competences Requirements to assessment educational practical formal Support learning Use few resources External requirements 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
2. Teacher training DTU strategy: Focus on student learning Conceptual change Professionalize Private Team Action research Self reflection on teaching - In contrast to: Behavioural change Formal teaching abilities Focus on teacher performance Get a language You can argue why you do as you do Doing experiments in your own course 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
DTU organisation supervisor pedagogical consultants Learning communities 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Structure Pedagogical consultants Assistant Prof. supervisors TT SC - Medellin 05 18/07/2019 Structure Pedagogical consultants Assistant Prof. supervisors PhD supervisors Assistant Professors + PhD students HPC 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Rules for Assistant Professors Supervision Educational 3-year plan Relevant teaching duties UDTU Teaching portfolio Statement about teaching abilities 250 hours total work 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Competence learning objectives After UDTU you will be able to set up learning objectives & identify core elements test students’ pre-knowledge & learning outcome plan a teaching sequence with suitable teaching & assessment activities use feedback as a learning and teaching tool 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
UDTU activities Assignments Seminars Project Preparations for activities at the seminars Seminars Short theoretical introductions Good-practice examples Activity and group work Project Based on the participants’ own teaching 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Module 1: Learning & Teaching Pre-assignment 1: Preparation for teaching exercises 3-day seminar: Learning basics Giving a lesson Teaching exercises 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Module 2: Planning & Assess Pre-assignment 2: Learning objects and core elements for a course 2½-day seminar: Learning objectives & Core elements Micro & macro planning Assessment Work on their course in groups 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Module 3: Feedback & Doc Pre-assignment 3: 2½-day seminar: Reflective essay on learning & teaching Foundation for peer-coaching exercises 2½-day seminar: Test of student Peer coaching Evaluation by student Teaching portfolio Group work & Tutoring 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Module 4: Project Action research: Plan and implement teaching with focus on student learning – incl. feedback via tests peer coaching student evaluation Methods & tools from Modules 2 & 3 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Test of the students Before teaching to test background and pre-knowledge After teaching to test learning outcome (conceptual understanding) 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Peer coaching In groups of 4 Includes: Structured discussion with colleague before lesson Colleague attending lesson Structured discussion with colleague after lesson Each group is assigned a pedagogical consultant 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Evaluation by the students The participant describe intentions The students fill in a special questionnaire (the MEQ) The teacher reflects on the correlation between intentions student evaluation own experiences Only reflections are important 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Answers to Project assignment 1/3 into the course: Pre-test Describe course plan Argue for chosen methods After the course: Evaluation by the students Post-test Reflections 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
And in the end…. Happy young teachers with teacher-training diplomas 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05
Teacher-training homepages LearningLab DTU www.llab.dtu.dk Danish Engineering Education network www.ipn.dk Active Learning in Engineering Education www.ale-net.org 18/07/2019 HPC: TT PC - Medellin 05