Welcome to Third Grade Open House We are so glad you are here!!
The Third Grade Team As part of a Professional Learning Community, our team works closely together. Your child will benefit from the expertise of each member of our team throughout the year. Mrs. Lynda Dolny Mrs. Addie Martz Mrs. Janine Mickel Mr. Brad Midgley Mrs. Christine Hong
Policies Tardy & Early Dismissal Doctor’s note needed to be excused Use NEW district form Excuse notes Needed in 3 days After 10 days absent a doctor’s note will be required to be excused Tardy and early dismissals will be added up and included into these 10 days Educational Travel Submit forms for approval Found on district website Clearances All 3 needed for classroom volunteers
Policies Continued… Pick Up Policy Notes need to be sent in at arrival time Date, person picking up, relationship to child, phone number If plans change after 9am and your child needs picked up, call or email teacher and front office (in case teacher does not get message) Go to main office at dismissal time to sign out students since we need a parent signature BRING ID!! Visitor Policy ID needed anytime you enter the building
Lunch with your child You are welcome to have lunch with your child a maximum of one time per month. You must have all 3 clearances on file in the office in order to take advantage of this opportunity. Please call in advance to let the cafeteria know you are coming, and send a note to the teacher at least one day in advance. The kitchen phone number is 724-733-5969. Please reference the handbook for additional details.
Classroom Websites Please visit your teacher’s classroom website or the 3rd Grade Resource Page for updates, spelling lists, vocabulary words, forms, etc. This presentation, as well as other important documents, can be accessed there.
Contact Information Visit our websites to access our contact information. The best way to reach us is through email. If there is a dismissal change for your child, please call the office at 3002 to ensure we receive the message. Substitutes do not have access to our emails.
Third Grade Day 8:45 – 9:00- Arrival, attendance, lunch count, pledge, announcements, and morning work 9:00- 10:00- Math 10:00- 10:45- ELA 10:45- 11:30- Panther Power 11:30- 12:15- Lunch & Recess 12:15- 1:45- ELA 1:45- 2:30- Special 2:30 – 3:15- Science and Social Studies 3:20- Announcements and Dismissal process
Panther Power Panther Power is a 45 minute block built into each day. During this time the teacher will work to re-teach, remediate and enrich students both individually and in small groups as necessary.
Special Classes Specials take place from 1:45 to 2:30 daily. Please check your teacher’s website for a daily schedule.
PSSA Testing Third grade is the first your your child will be taking the PSSA state testing. Your child will be assessed in ELA and math skills that have been taught in grades K-3. ELA Testing will take place the week before Spring Break (April 3rd- 7th) Math Testing will take place the week after Spring Break (April 24th- 28th) We will remind your child to eat a healthy breakfast that week, and to get plenty of rest! More information will come as we approach that date.
Math Parents may access 3rd grade math skills on Think Central. Homework will come home most evenings. Please check your child’s folder and planner each night. Children will be receiving their First in Math passwords soon. Please encourage your child to spend quality practice time with this convenient resource. Children should practice facts daily for at least 10 minutes.
First in Math The First In Math Online Program offers comprehensive math content, encompassing a wide range of skills in an engaging format. Students have been provided a username and password and should practice daily at home. Please encourage your child to engage in this program at home. Incentive- Your child could be named Player of the Day!
ELA Please look for the School-Home Connection Letter for each StoryTown lesson. This letter contains focus skills, spelling words and vocabulary words for the week. Spelling and Vocabulary can be assessed through this resource as well as on our 3rd grade Resource page. Spelling and Vocabulary will be assessed on a weekly basis. Other ELA skills from (2) lessons will be assessed every other week.
ELA- Writing -3rd Grade Writing Sample
PALS- Peer Assisted Learning Strategies Most students will participate in supplemental reading program called PALS. This program is designed to build fluency and comprehension skills. Students will participate in PALS 3 times per week (35-45 min.). Students will work in pairs to read stories and answer questions through a series of activities.
Electronic Report Cards Your child’s report card will be in an electronic format this year. Your child will receive a letter grade with a percentage for each subject area: Math, ELA, and Social Studies or Science.
The following are some suggestions: Snack Feel free to send a healthy nut-free snack with your child each day. Students have an early lunch this year, so they are often hungry in the afternoon. The following are some suggestions: • Pretzels • Fruit and/or vegetables • Crackers • Granola bars • Cereal • Popcorn • Rice Cakes • 100 calorie packs
We would love to celebrate with your child!! birthdays We would love to celebrate with your child!! You are welcome to send in a nut/peanut-free treat for the class. Please let the teacher know what day is best. You child’s teacher will notify you of other food allergens to avoid sending. If your child has a summer birthday, we can celebrate his/her half birthday or wait until the end of the year. Treats can be left with the greeter if they are too much for your child to carry. Please send in napkins and any other needed utensils. Please avoid sending treats that require cutting (or send treats pre-cut).
Parent Teacher Conferences Per district policy, our Parent-Teacher conferences will be held all day on Friday, November 11th. Please sign up this in your child’s classroom this evening for a time that is convenient. If you are unavailable on Friday, please sign up for a phone conference.
ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR EVENING! Thank you for coming! Your children are eager to show you their classrooms. Please remember to visit the Book Fair in the LGI. ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR EVENING!