Class Rules: Areas of Study Mrs. Nita Wimberly Grading Scale You will 7th Grade Science Mrs. Nita Wimberly Textbooks:) HMH Science Dimensions J,C,G,F Areas of Study Grading Scale 100-90 A 89-80 B 79-70 C 69-60 D 59 F Physical Engineering Life You will need: Earth and Space 3 ring 2 pocket folder Paper Pencils/Pens-only blue or black ink Composition Notebook Class Rules: Be on Time in Seat Be prepared-all materials Begin Bell Work Be Respectful at all times NO CELL_PHONES, BACKPACKS or PURSES
Remind Code… Regular Science: Text: @mrswimberl To: 81010 SCIENCE STEM PROJECT: All students will be required to complete a science STEM project. The teacher will give all instructions at the appropriate time. Remind Code… VOCABULARY Every week students will be given 10-20 words to define and turn in. The students are to write the definitions and place in the vocabulary section of their science binder by the beginning of class every Thursday. Every Friday, I will give a vocabulary quiz for the week’s words. (These words and definitions are on my web page every day for easy access.) There will be vocabulary words every week unless otherwise noted on lesson plan. MAKE-UP WORK: Students are responsible for turning in make-up work in a timely manner. Failure to complete assignments on time will results in the student receiving a zero. The policies listed in the Student Handbook will be followed. Regular Science: Text: @mrswimberl To: 81010 COMMUNICATION: Finally, I want you to know that one of my main goals this year is to keep the lines of communication open with you. I have a teacher web site that you may find useful information like: power points, lesson plans, important dates, and etc.… Here is the link to my webpage: I am available during my conference time is 12:50 – 1:40 by appointment only. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns during the year. I’m really looking forward to our year together! Sincerely; Mrs. Wimberly E-mail: Phone: (870) 247-2711
EXPECTATIONS Formative Assessment Expectations are often different than policies and rules. Use this space to tell your students what you expect of them and/or what they can expect from you Formative Assessment I have this here to explain a relatively new concept for our school. Feel free to change this part.
I’m really looking forward to our semester together! Class Website Click to add text T H E B L O G Click to add text. You can also click on each letter in the circles to change the text. Copy and paste more circles or delete them to create any words you need. Gmail Accounts: Click to add text Contact Info: My email address is teach@school. Please send me your email address as well as your parent/guardian’s. I’m really looking forward to our semester together!