through Reality tv shows Travel, food & Culture through Reality tv shows
Travel Ask your partner these questions: Share the information about your partner with another group.
Planning a trip Work with your bigger groups: Research Flights Research lodging Research Information about your trip Share your plans with classmates from another group “Where are you going? When are you leaving? Where are you staying?”
eating while traveling Trying new, different food is a great part of traveling!
vocabulary about food Beef (cow) Vegetables Pork (pig) Salad TYPES ADJECTIVES Beef (cow) Vegetables Pork (pig) Salad Poultry (birds) Soup Junk Food Seafood Fast Food Fruits acidic greasy (oily) sweet bland raw juicy creamy rare/medium/ well-done tender fatty tough salty fruity sour healthy spicy homemade
food vocabulary crossword Each of you has a different part of the Crossword filled in Take turns explaining one of your Vocabulary words (use complete sentences and examples!) Say, “3 across” or “8 down” The other students listen and fill in the Crossword puzzle
All the ways of life that are passed down through the generations culture All the ways of life that are passed down through the generations
culture vocabulary Work with your Partner Try to use the Vocabulary in sentences Think of specific or hypothetical examples
korean Customs custom: a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society, place, or time.
Korean culture Work with your partner to come up with 3 examples for each category Separately, interview 3 classmates about their results. Choose the most interesting or unique examples!
Reality Tv shows