The Top 10 Things You Should Know About Me fakebook Wall Photos Find Friends Logout Galileo Galilei Wall Info Photos The Top 10 Things You Should Know About Me 1. I created the law of the pendulum 2. I tutored people in mathematics 3. I received a three-year appointment to the University of Pisa 4. I proved Aristotle’s conclusions wrong about the “laws” of nature 5. I invented military compass to accurately aim cannonballs 6. I built a 30-power telescope 7. I proved the moon was rough, uneven, and not smooth 8. I created a small book titled The Starry Messenger to prove the Copernican idea correct 9. I published a book on force and motion although I was blinded by an eye infection 10. I created a dialogue called “Dialogue on the Two Great Systems of the World”
Galileo Galilei fakebook Wall Photos Find Friends Logout Wall Info What’s on your mind? Share Wall Info Photos Notes Insert Your Name (or name of person posting on your wall) Date Friends Insert Your Name (or name of person posting on your wall) Date Virginio Cesarini Giovanni Ciampoli Insert Your Name (or name of person posting on your wall) Date Insert Your Name (or name of person posting on your wall) Date Cardinal Barberini Federico Cesi Insert Your Name Date Marina Gamba Name Insert Your Name (or name of person posting on your wall) Date
Galileo Galilei and status update repeated here fakebook Wall Photos Find Friends Logout Galileo Galilei and status update repeated here Wall Info Photos Basic Information Sex: Male Birthday: February 15, 1564 Hometown: Florence, Italy Relationship Status: It’s complicated Political Views: Religious Views: Favorite Quotations: “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” Work and Education Employer: Position: College/Education level: Groups Personal Information Insert groups Activities: Interests: Favorite Music: Favorite Books: