B1-B2 Unit Three Lesson 1B Recreation survey
Overview B1-B2 Pronunciation-giving information clearly Lexis-leisure and recreation, defining topic related words, reporting phrases Constructions-adverbials as questionnaire items, e.g. very rarely, quite often etc. Sentence grammar-present simple to describe regular activities Discourse-a verbal report on information you have gathered from survey questions Functions-information gathering In this lesson you are going to investigate the leisure activities people in your class enjoy. You'll also read about a different viewpoint of leisure activities. You’ll work on these areas of language; Speaking-asking survey questions Listening-understanding responses to pre-formulated questions Reading-a report from a blog Writing-taking notes which can be used as the basis for a verbal report You’ll focus on these skills today; After completing this lesson, you should be able to:
Objectives Find out some facts about what people in your class do for recreation using survey questions you have designed and report these facts back. Create a survey using a variety of question forms. Read a report about young people and discuss the information it contains.
TASK Recreation time Each group should use two items from the set in the box on the right to find out about your classmates. Alternatively, you might like to use your own ideas. In this task you are going to use questions to find out which types of recreational activities people in your class spend time on, decide which types of things are most popular and report what you find out using the information you collect. Work in small groups. Look at this question from a questionnaire designed for a survey used to find out about the recreational habits of young people in the UK. How much time they spend in front of a screen. If they play computer games - on their own or with friends. How much time they spend on social networks. The kinds of music they listen to. If they play a musical instrument regularly. If they are a member of a sports team. If they do any individual sports on a regular basis. If they are a member of a club of some sort. How much time they spend with friends each week. If they do something on a regular basis with one friend or a small group of friends. How much time do you spend in front of a screen for non-educational purposes? 1 never, 2 a little, 3 a bit, 4 quite a bit, 5 most of my time Design survey questions like the one in the example. Use your questions. Ask and answer questions with all of the students who are not in your group.
Task feedback How did you do? Give each member of your group a mark out of 10 for these things. Form new groups. There should be at least one person from each original group in your new one. Show the members of your new group your survey questions and explain the results you collected. Say what you think the information shows about your class. How well they presented the information they had collected. How well they gave their opinion about what their information shows. Use of grammatical forms. Clear pronunciation. Use of lexical items to do with the topic area ‘recreation’. FEEDBACK Explain why you gave each of your scores to each member of your group Give examples of errors if any were made Tell your group which information they gave you was the most interesting Example Our first question was ‘How much time do you spend in front of a screen for non-educational purposes?’ From the twenty people I talked to nobody said they never do this, three said a little and most said quite a bit. Only two spend most of their time in front of a screen! I think this shows that we might spend too much free time with TVs and devices and so on…but we do other things too. Work with another student. Talk about these things. What inspires them to do what they do for recreation. Which activities are most popular in your class. Try to explain why.
Leisure and our under 18s - cause for concern? Task follow on Reading Read this entry from a blog written by a group of parents in a UK city. Leisure and our under 18s - cause for concern? Fewer and fewer of our under-18s are playing outside these days as more and more of them spend their leisure time in front of a screen. Whether it’s a game console, a tablet, their smartphone or just the good old-fashioned TV screen, nearly 90% of UK youngsters, according to a recent report, are not spending their free time with friends outside of the house. Over 60% have TVs in their bedrooms, an amazing 80% of children over 12 have their own mobile phones, and more than half the boys questioned for the survey said they had a game console on which they spent at least two hours a day. Most, in fact, spent three hours or more. When we conducted a survey of parents in south Manchester they reported that they were concerned that their children weren’t doing enough physical exercise. Less than 40% of their children are members of sports teams compared to 65% just 10 years ago. Even our kids seem to agree that British teenagers are getting lazier and more unhealthy but say that facilities like parks, tennis courts and football fields are either not safe or just don’t exist. The problem is what can be done about it? Work in pairs. Talk about these ideas. Whether you agree that the young people spending less time outside and more sitting at home is a problem. Whether you think parents should be concerned. How the situation described in the blog compares with the situation in your country. If there are other reasons, not mentioned in the blog, why teenagers perhaps do less exercise than their parents. Report your ideas to the class. Suggest some solutions to the problem which might help UK teenagers.
Today you… B1-B2 Unit Three Lesson 1B HOMEWORK IDEA created a small number of survey questions and used these to gather information from your classmates. You then reported on what you had found out and discussed your overall findings as a class. read about and discussed a report which outlined concerns of parents in the UK about the ways younger people there spend their leisure times. HOMEWORK IDEA Use the blog entry as a model and write about the most important things you found out from your class.