Chapter 6 The Haymarket Bomb
Unions & Social effects Unions scared citizens Role of unions = protect workers Majority of workers = immigrants Americans convinced unions supported Communism, Socialism, & Anarchy Anarchists supported violence Some union leaders became inpatient when securing power, so they turn to violence All union violence must therefore be anarchy violence
Unions and social effects Inaccurate tie between anarchy & atheism Unions then must have several negative effects on society: Communism Socialism Anarchy Atheism Violence Immigrants
Unions & social effects Strikes add to public image No work = attack on capitalism Strike breaking = violence Most strike violence started by anti-unionists Poor working conditions lead to labor unrest
Haymarket bombing Knights of Labor give deadline of May 1, 1886 to instituting 8-hour workday Deadline passes w/no change 40,000 workers go on strike Days later more go on strike at McCormick International Harvester Factory
Haymarket bombing IH workers upset about low wages & long work day In 1884 IH cut pay by 15% but never returned to original level as promised Workers strike & McCormick hires armed guards Violent exchange during strike 1886 IH workers want 8-hour work day Don’t get it, go on strike McCormick bring in strikebreakers to work
Haymarket bombing May 3, 1886 – day ends and replacement workers leave plant Strikers attack workers – police & armed guards get involved 2 killed & several injured Rally called for May 4 at Haymarket Square to protest use of violence by McCormick & support of workers
Haymarket bomb Haymarket Rally = pretty tame Only 1500 show Rainy Mayor visits & tells police chief no police necessary Only 300 left for last speaker Suddenly 150 policemen arrive & tell people to leave Someone throws bomb into middle of policemen 7 policemen die
Haymarket bomb After bombing, police fire into crowd Worker death toll unknown – afraid to go to hospitals in fear of being reported to police Eight charged with murder - 7 German immigrants Only 1 spoke English All have alibis for bombing – identity of bomber never discovered Found guilty Trail against beliefs of individuals, not actions
Effect of Haymarket bomb Bombing worries some Chicagoians Army fort to be built near the city so soldiers can maintain order Fort Sheridan built in Highwood, IL