Editing Board Meeting Status Expert Groups (Transmission, Axle) CO2 HDV Editing Board Meeting Status Expert Groups (Transmission, Axle) Brussels, April 26, 2016 CO2 HDV 17/07/2019
AXLE 1/2 Open issue Possible solution State of play Definitions of axle types (hub reduction, single reduction tandem, ...) need to be expressed in TA Axle expert group to provide input / draft definitions Two out of six definitions are agreed Definitions of axle components (axle housing, wheels, factory fill oils) need to be expressed in TA Open Basic drag torque (table values) lead to significantly lower efficiency maps for low output wheel torques A: Classify basic drag torques depending on axle dimensions B: Accept lower efficiency maps for applications with lower wheel torques Not yet discussed within expert group Measurement equipment requirements (calibration, linearity) Adoption of VDI 2646 requirements Measurement uncertainty E.g.: Limitation of measurement uncertainty (UT,loss); If exceeding limit value, measured value has to be corrected accordingly Problem of difference in uncertainty definition specified by different equipment manufacturers under discussion Description of interpolation / extrapolation procedure precise description of mathematical model (or VECTO tool(?)) CO2 HDV 17/07/2019
AXLE 2/2 Open issue Possible solution State of play Handling of parasitic loads Take over handling procedure of transmission expert group No group feedback yet Data processing Proposals available Group discussion ongoing Consideration of transfer cases Definition of available transfer case types; Application of already described procedure Definition is elaborated by group but not yet inside TA Definition of CoP Definition of procedure and acceptable tolerance levels Open Review of updated family concept Manufacturers have to check applicability of update CO2 HDV 17/07/2019
Update of ACEA Whitebook received on April, 25th Auxiliaries 1/1 3 comments from Pilot Phase, partly still to be discussed with reporter Update of ACEA Whitebook received on April, 25th Review to be done in week 17/18 Open issue Possible solution State of play Power consumption alternator To be discussed, comment not clear Should already be part of TA Power consumption fan No data available for steering pump characterization Handling of two steering pumps Use factor (?) To be discussed Mapping of default values for various technologies was done manually, but without any base of regulatory provisions Process to ensure that correct data is used for calculation Part of process approval Reported in Information Document Reporting to be finally discussed CO2 HDV 17/07/2019
Timeline Mid of May Completion of content and structure (Test Procedures, Default values) of Technical Annexes – by that time the procedures should be fixed. in the meantime: editorial review of Technical annexes (uniform abbreviations, uniform symbols, . . .), work on Annex I to the Regulation. Mid of June Proposal for CoP provisions incl. tolerances and family concepts to be fixed. CoP provisions are under development, family concept from manufacturers to be proposed. End of June / beginning of July Final documents to be circulated to the stakeholders. Mid of August Final documents with the comments included. CO2 HDV Workshop 17/07/2019
Editing Board Meeting Status Expert Groups (Transmission, Axle) CO2 HDV Editing Board Meeting Status Expert Groups (Transmission, Axle) Brussels, April 26, 2016 CO2 HDV 17/07/2019
Back-up Transmission 1/1 Open issue Possible solution State of play New components added to family concept: Electric retarder Hydrodynamic converter PTOs Electric oil pumps Implementation into VECTO to be verified Implementation of pilot phase feedback into TA Discussion in expert group 40 out of 130 items still in progress; Finalization scheduled for April CoP Two options under discussion Investigation on acceptable CoP tolerance values ongoing Back-up CO2 HDV 17/07/2019
Proposal for CoP provisions incl. tolerances to be fixed. End of July Timeline End of May Completion of content and structure (Test Procedures, Default values and family concepts) of Technical Annexes (SiCO later). End of June Proposal for CoP provisions incl. tolerances to be fixed. End of July Completion of editorial review of Technical Annexes (uniform abbreviations, uniform symbols, . . .). End of August Feedback from stakeholders September Finalisation of documents. CO2 HDV Workshop 17/07/2019