dany, tTAF and tMAC genes do not cross-regulate each other. dany, tTAF and tMAC genes do not cross-regulate each other. (A) Signals obtained with probes for dany or meiotic arrest genes on testis RNA samples from +/Df(2R)BSC802 controls (+) were set to 1, and log2 transformed fold change in mutants lacking the function of the genes indicated at the top (dany, sa, aly, topi) is displayed as a heat map. Probe number (in brackets) and targeted gene are indicated to the right. (B) S5 spermatocytes from g-EGFP-dany testis after double labeling with anti-Sa and a DNA stain reveal that EGFP-Dany and the tTAF protein Sa are not strictly colocalized. (C) Distal testis regions from males carrying either g-EGFP-dany or sa-EGFP after DNA labeling reveal distinct behavior of Dany and Sa proteins. Nucleolar enrichment occurs already at the onset of Sa-EGFP expression in early spermatocytes but only in late spermatocytes in the case of EGFP-Dany. Moreover, Sa-EGFP behavior is not altered in dany mutants (danyex11/Df(2R)BSC802). (D) S5 spermatocytes from males expressing g-EGFP-dany in either wild-type (+) or the indicated mutant (sa, aly, topi) backgrounds after DNA labeling. (E) Meiotic cells from males expressing EYFP-asl in either a dany+ (danyex11/CyO) or a dany mutant (danyex11/Df(2R)BSC802) background were identified after labeling with anti-α-Tubulin and a DNA stain. Meiotic cells are present but abnormal in dany mutants. Scale bars: 10 µm in B,D,E; 20 µm in C. Martina Trost et al. Development 2016;143:2664-2676 © 2016. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd