Your Lesson Goal What STANDARD are you teaching tomorrow? What is the GOAL (based on the STANDARD) of your lesson tomorrow? What assignment will they do to prove to you they have learned the STANDARD? When do students complete this assignment?
Based on what you just did… What’s your task for the day? What are student’s going to learn today? (10 words or less) Why is it important for students to know this? (10 words or less) What text are you going to use?
Now…look at TODAY’S TASK Looking at TODAY’S TASK, what will students need to know how to do in order to perform the TASK with fidelity? REMEMBER: Everything students do should lead to the task for the day. When do kids complete the TASK for the DAY?
Now…look at TODAY’S TASK Looking at TODAY’S TASK, what will students need to know how to do in order to perform the TASK with fidelity? REMEMBER: Everything students do should lead to the task for the day. When do kids complete the TASK for the DAY?
Now…look at TODAY’S TASK Looking at TODAY’S TASK, what will students need to know how to do in order to perform the TASK with fidelity? QUESTION: When do students complete the BASIC assignment? Who completes the BASIC assignment? How long should the BASIC assignment take for students to complete?
Now…look at TODAY’S TASK Looking at TODAY’S TASK, what will students need to know how to do in order to perform the TASK with fidelity? QUESTION: When do students complete the BASIC assignment? Who completes the BASIC assignment? How long should the BASIC assignment take for students to complete?
Now…look at TODAY’S TASK Looking at TODAY’S TASK, what will students need to know how to do in order to perform the TASK with fidelity? QUESTION: When do students complete the BASIC assignment? Who completes the BASIC assignment? How long should the BASIC assignment take for students to complete?
Now…look at TODAY’S TASK Looking at TODAY’S TASK, what will students need to know how to do in order to perform the TASK with fidelity? QUESTION: When do students complete the BASIC assignment? Who completes the BASIC assignment? How long should the BASIC assignment take for students to complete?
Now…look at TODAY’S TASK Looking at TODAY’S TASK, what will students need to know how to do in order to perform the TASK with fidelity? QUESTION: When do students complete the PROFICIENT assignment? Who completes the PROFICIENT assignment? How long should the PROFICIENT assignment take for students to complete?
Now…look at TODAY’S TASK Looking at TODAY’S TASK, what will students need to know how to do in order to perform the TASK with fidelity? QUESTION: When do students complete the PROFICIENT assignment? Who completes the PROFICIENT assignment? How long should the PROFICIENT assignment take for students to complete?
Now…look at TODAY’S TASK Looking at TODAY’S TASK, what will students need to know how to do in order to perform the TASK with fidelity? QUESTION: When do students complete the PROFICIENT assignment? Who completes the PROFICIENT assignment? How long should the PROFICIENT assignment take for students to complete?
Now…look at TODAY’S TASK Looking at TODAY’S TASK, what will students need to know how to do in order to perform the TASK with fidelity? QUESTION: When do students complete the ADVANCED assignment? Who completes the ADVANCED assignment? How long should the ADVANCED assignment take for students to complete?
Now…look at TODAY’S TASK Looking at TODAY’S TASK, what will students need to know how to do in order to perform the TASK with fidelity? QUESTION: When do students complete the ADVANCED assignment? Who completes the ADVANCED assignment? How long should the ADVANCED assignment take for students to complete?
Now…look at TODAY’S TASK Looking at TODAY’S TASK, what will students need to know how to do in order to perform the TASK with fidelity? QUESTION: When do students complete the ADVANCED assignment? Who completes the ADVANCED assignment? How long should the ADVANCED assignment take for students to complete?
Good First Teaching Look at the TASK students must complete before leaving (not at the differentiated/tiered assignments): What do you need to teach students in order for them to be able to complete the TASK with fidelity? What strategy will be most helpful when you are delivering this instruction?
Let’s Warm-Up Think about the task for the day, the assignments students will complete, what you are reading, and what you will teach……What’s the BEST assignment students can complete to get them thinking in the way they need to be thinking so that they can complete the TASK with fidelity?
STOP and CHECK…. What order do you teach a lesson? What comes first? Next? What issues/questions do you still have? What do you need to do RIGHT NOW in order to be ready to teach tomorrow?