Male and Female in Relationship Important words: Intimacy: Chastity: Celibacy Now, let’s read pages 67 – 70 to see if your definitions match with the text. Quickly write down your own definitions for these words…
Copy, copy… Intimacy This is a close, personal relationship built upon acceptance, openness, trust and faithfulness. (e.g. friends, family, spouses, siblings) Sexual Intimacy This involves a further sharing of intimacy between a mature man and woman, who have committed themselves to each other in marriage.
Single/Celibate Not everyone is called to the vocation of marriage Single/Celibate Not everyone is called to the vocation of marriage. For those of us called to single blessedness, we can still be life-giving men and women in non-sexual ways, through our friendships, charitable works and careers. Many choose the religious life as priests, nuns, and brothers. video Video is 3 minutes long
Chastity, a superpower! Read P.71 (and then copy the following ) Chastity helps us control our desire for sexual pleasure. Sexual feelings are powerful, but we are not at their mercy. We have been given God’s grace to meet these types of challenges with the strength to become truly loving people, who honour the gift of sexuality.
The more we practice being chaste, the easier it becomes. As an example, of chastity: Instead of holding hands or kissing, two people could…