Information for parents April 19th – April 20th 2018 Lea Green Information for parents April 19th – April 20th 2018
The adventure begins here!
Staff Who will be going with your child…. Mrs Mansfield Mrs Dawson Mrs Higton Mrs Beresford Mr Sears
The plan! The coach will leave at 8.30am on Thursday morning. Please arrive at school for 8.20am in the classroom. with bags packed! The two days will give you a chance to experience activities which you may never experience before.
Be prepared! Please make sure that all items listed on the kit list are included in your child’s luggage. Ensure everything is labelled! Do not bring… No electrical equipment. No mobile phones. No valuable items.
Arrival On arrival to the centre as part of the ‘life skills’ the centre tries to instil the children will be asked to make their own beds (put on a fitted sheet, duvet cover and pillow case) Arrange their clothes and put their teddy/toy on their bed.
Activities The children will be taking part in lots of activities, and having lots of fun!
Return to school The children will be collected by bus from Lea green on Friday 20th at 2.30pm and we endeavour to be back at school by 3.15pm.
What next….. Please ensure all outstanding consent forms are completed and handed into Mrs Wood by today. Please ensure that all payments are made by Thursday 12th April