Jin-Hee Yoon Inha University KoALICE 2019-04 Jin-Hee Yoon Inha University
Study Quark Matter State What to achieve Detector Operation Participation Data Analysis Study Quark Matter State Detector R&D & Upgrades Research Capacity Man Power Qualitative Improvement & ITS Upgrade International Acknowledgement & Successful Contribution for LS2 Infrastructure Stage 4 Stage 5
Participating Institutes Participants (34) 6+1 Institutes Physicists : 13+1 Students : 18 Secretary : 1+1 New Institute is COMING!
Participants Institute Participants details PhD PhD Stud. MS Stud. Etc. GWNU 2 PNU 6 1 3 Sejong Yonsei 8 4 Inha 13 KISTI Chonbuk Total Participants 34 14 10
Visits to CERN (2018.10 – 2019.03) Stay # Prof. PhD Stud. MS Long ( > 30 days) 8 3 BK Kim / V. Kucera / YW Baek BH Lim / JH Park / HJ Kim SY Cho / JH Yoon Short ( < 30 days) 12 6 2 IK Yoo / JS Kim / JH Song JL Lee/ JH Park / MJ Kweon YE Kweon / SY Kim / JG Kim JH Kim / JH Yoon In state (Inha-Pusan, 1~2/mo) 4 1 NK Behera / JY Kweon JJ Seo / JS Bok
Status of KoAKICE Activity 3 votes from Korean teams in recent election of ALICE Spokesperson 1 summer student from Korea : MJ Kweon(PNU) M&O-A for 2020 : 15 but will be finalized by the Assembly in September JH Yoon will serve as a member of ALICE CB chair search committee until 08/2019 New Institute : ChungBuk Nat. Univ. under discussion among KoALICE CB
Scientific Achievements 11/2018 ~ 03/2019 PA publication : 2/19 (10% comp. to 1.9% in M&O-A) “ALICE results on system-size dependence of charged-particle multiplicity density in p–Pb, Pb–Pb and Xe–Xe collisions” : NPA (2018) BK Kim “Centrality and pseudorapidity dependence of the charged-particle multiplicity density in Xe-Xe collisions at √sNN = 5.44 TeV” : PLB 790 (2019) 35, BK Kim presentation : 65 16 International : Hard Probes(2), ITS Asian workshop(7), ATHIC(6) etc. 11 domestic : KPS and HIM 38 CERN internal in PAG, PWG, PF, AW KoALICE national workshop 30 participants 21 presentations
Paper Expectation in 2019 Title PC Status PWA BK Kim, TS Kim Under IRC review Global polarization in PbPb YW Baek K0_s and Lambda in jets Vir Kucera pp multiplicity BK Kim I_AA Sigma0 in Pb-Pb JH Song, IK Yoo Path-length dependent I_AA HJ Kim Analysis ongoing Sigma0(1530) in pp BH Lim f0(980) and f2(1270) in pp JL Lee Ridge in pp B2e R_AA Jonghan Park
Scientific Achievements Last Asian ITS workshop at the Birth place! 60 participants 50 presentations
Upgrade Project and Plan Mass Chip Test : Yonsei, PNU+INHA Accomplished 60,000 chips Request from CERN for extra 10,000 more chips until the end of June
Upgrade Project and Plan ITS HIC Assembly : PNU + INHA currently 205 HIC are assembled (as of 04/04/2019) 245 HIC are planned by the end of May
앞으로의 3년간 계획 Quarkonium (Sejong) LF(PNU) HF(INHA) ITS Upgrade (INHA, PNU, Yonsei, CBNU) JET & multiplicity (YONSEI, GWNU) Flow & Correlation (INHA, CBNU)
PLAN – Data Analysis Data Analyses Lambda Polarization / Mulitiplicity dependence @ GWNU Multistrangeness / Hyperon Resonance @ PNU Be analysis @ INHA In-medium quarkonium property / B meson @ Sejong Ridge / f0,f2 resonances @ CBNU Jet @ Yonsei KoALICE National Workashop : 1~2/yr, check up for institutes KoALICE Regular Meeting : 1/mo, data analysis check for every student ITS Weekly Meeting : 1/wk, status check up for MCT & HIC
PLAN – Detector Operation and Upgrade TOF QA / Muon Trigger Ugrade & operation ITS during RUN3 Upgrades For LS2 ITS/MID Installation at Surface & P2 + Commissioning characteristic study of MRPC (GWNU) lifetime opportunity for students plan to send maximum man power Critical role in HF & Multi-Charm study ITS2 BEYOND Triplet collision system, Curved ITS, Silicon only detector …
Status of Common Fund and ITS contribution Item ~‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19 누계 A Common Fund 19.2 19.246 96.046 B ITS Cash 291.8 100 68.2 660 C ITS In-Kind - 79 316 B+C ITS Total 179 147.2 976 Contribution Total (A+B+C) 311 198.2 166.446 1,072.046 CF (ALICE RRB-2013-125) Paid 76.8 / 96.046 kCHF (80%) ITS contribution(ALICE RRB-2014-104) Paid 828.8 / 976 kCHF (85%) Contribution for RUN3 & LS3 is under discussion!!