Reflections on Cities, Land Use and Property Rights
Moving the bright line: Mathare
The evolution of tenure security Initially documenting use and occupation rights through the social tenure domain model Evolved into official recognition and, perhaps, formal collective tenure Clear bright line on use and occupation that limits subversion Options for future bargaining may be limited, meaning that improves potential to protect some rights but may also create tensions in future
Moving the bright line: the continuum of land rights Bright line rules on tenure can provide more effective practical protection Shifting the types of tenure that bright line rules are based on could produce a more inclusive regime Challenges with formalizing the informal
Bright lines, the rule of law and good governance The Egyptian lands registry: a discretionary system?
Bright lines, the rule of law and good governance We are consistently experiencing systems based on significant levels of administrative discretion Weak governance scenarios make these highly problematic
Bright lines, the rule of law and good governance On paper, this is a forest
Bright lines, the rule of law and good governance On paper, this is a farmer’s field