The Nation Breaking Apart (1820-1860) A House Divided The Nation Breaking Apart (1820-1860)
Sectionalism and Compromise North was based on industry and small, white farmers South relied on plantation agriculture, slave labor as well as farmers Compromise used to settle differences
Missouri Compromise Created in 1820 to determine future expansion of slavery Missouri entered Union as slave state Maine’s statehood kept the balance between free and slave states in Senate
Missouri Compromise Compromise stated that 36º 30’ N. latitude would be the dividing line of slavery expansion west into territories Areas south of line would have slavery while those north would not
Missouri Compromise
Compromise of 1850 Needed to organize new land from Mexico Slavery not excluded from Utah and New Mexico territories, voters would decide issue California admitted as free state Strict Fugitive Slave Law passed
Fugitive Slave Law Included in Compromise of 1850 Southern states wanted Northern support in returning slaves Northerners had been using Underground Railroad to help escaped slaves get to Canada
Fugitive Slave Law Law said all citizens had to help catch and return runaway slaves Brutally enforced by slaveowners Southerners saw law as important to nation Hated and avoided by many in North
Fugitive Slave Law
Kansas-Nebraska Act Created in 1854 to pave way for transcontinental railroad Repealed Missouri Compromise and used popular sovereignty Idea promoted by Stephen Douglas that citizens could vote for what they wanted Passed with Southern support because of possibility of slavery
Kansas-Nebraska Act Northerners against act formed Republican Party Settlers fought over slavery in Kansas causing “Bleeding Kansas” Two governments struggled for control of the state
Kansas-Nebraska Act
John Brown’s Raid Brown, who fought in Kansas, was an extreme abolitionist Wanted to start slave rebellion Attacked arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, VA on October 16, 1859 to gain weapons for revolt Captured after no slaves joined him
John Brown’s Raid Brown tried for treason and hanged Many in North praised him as hero Southerners were horrified and wondered how they could share a country with such people. John Brown
Election of 1860 Democrats split over slavery Northern Dems wanted popular sovereignty Southern Dems wanted protection of slavery in territories Breckinridge Douglas
Election of 1860 Republicans called for limiting spread of slavery; NOT ending it. Constitutional Union Party favored compromise and avoided slavery Lincoln Bell
Election of 1860
What will happen now? Southern states scared Lincoln will outlaw slavery High mistrust between North and South ANSWER Q’s AS 4.4 - SECESSION If Southern states don’t like president, what could they do? (Share/Gesture/Write)
Secession – removing from Union
Is secession legal? Can states just up and leave the Union when they want to? What should Lincoln do? Southern states claim to be new nation (Confederate States of Amer.) New president is Jefferson Davis (Think/Pair/Share/Write)
What about North Carolina? What should North Carolina do? Should it secede too? Yes=show support for neighbor states & protect slavery No=stay loyal to U.S.; slavery not that big of a deal (Think/Pair/Share/Write)
Open NC Textbook to p. 333 Read 1st paragraph in Reactions in NC out loud as class with gestures
Fort Sumter Why did NC not secede at same time as SC? (Share/Gesture/Write) April 12, 1861 – SC troops attack Fort Sumter in Charleston Read 2nd paragraph as class Read 3rd paragraph as class
NC secedes to join CSA What was the final straw that made NC decide to secede? (Share/Gesture/Write)