Class 2 Once Upon A Time... English This term the children will explore Fairy Stories and Traditional Tales, Labels Lists and Signs, Information Texts and Songs and Poems which all relate to our Topic. They will develop a range of skills across many areas including speaking and listening activities, they’ll read individually and in a group, will be supported to spell a range of words, learn and apply phonics sounds, and be helped to improve and extend their handwriting, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation skills. Class 2 Maths Number and Pace Value Addition Money and Measures Measures and Shape Addition and Subtraction Doubling and Halving Shape and Data R.E. Our Key Question this term will be: What does it mean to belong to a faith community? We will be exploring ours and other people’s sense of belonging and what it means to belong to a faith community. The children will also be given the opportunity to explore the celebrations of Diwali and Christmas. Once Upon A Time... Knowledge & Understanding of the World We will be investigating Living Things and their Habitats in Science and our visits to Forest School will greatly add to our hands-on explorations. Our Geography sessions will cover Knowledge and Understanding of Places whereby the children will learn about Countries and Capital Cities as well learning about different environments in our world. We’ll also learn about Great Explorers in History who once upon a time made incredible discoveries. Creative Development As young artists, we will be investigating patterns and texture. Most of our art work will be directly related to our topic and we will be practicing and refining our skills as we produce exciting and thoughtful creative work, exploring ideas and recording experiences. Computers We will be learning how to log on, and open (and close safely) a variety of packages when responding to learning across all areas of the curriculum. At the heart of this will be an ongoing theme of e-safety. Physical Development Year 2 children will go swimming in this half term and next half term it is the turn of the year 1s. In addition to this the children will develop a range of skills needed in ball games such as football, hockey, rounders, netball, basket ball and tennis.