REGION X REPORT Spring 2019 William “Bill” Shackelford Region X Vice President NARFE
Thanks for 4 1/2 years of support Honor to serve NARFE members from Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia Thanks to all Region X members for your support during the past 4 1/2 years as your Region Vice President. Serving NARFE members across our Region has been a real honor. Region X has many members and an equal number of diverse opinions. However, its collective needs and those across all of NARFE are identical.
CHALLENGES Must remain a viable advocacy organization Challenges on all levels Exercise appropriate advancements Make NARFE viable & stronger In order to remain a viable advocacy organization All of us need to work together in order to explore all ways to secure NARFE as the voice of active Federal employees, annuitants, families and surviving spouses/partners.
DECISIONS NARFE is changing Many NEB decisions NEB works well together The NEB has made many decisions to insure the future of our Association. The NEB is a team that is working very well together, not always agreeing, but making hard choices that are necessary.
MISSION Successful advocate Effective & responsive champion Trusted voice Our organization is experiencing a reawakening and we are anxious to move forward, but must be patient as we examine our options to meet our stated mission.
“If NARFE is going to attract more active Federal employees into the organization, a change in the way we do business is vital”. Here I have paraphrased something that many of you have heard since 2013 - - Kenneth J. Thomas – Candidate For NARFE National President
Major Concern Chapter Closures November 2014 = 174 Chapters in Region X April 2019 = 126 Health of Federations & Chapters is a major concern November 2014 there were 174 chapters within the five Federations which make-up the Region - - Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia. The total number of chapters is now 126.
In Region X, Chapter membership breaks down as follows: More than 250 members = 13 Chapters Between 100 and 250 = 29 Chapters Less than 100 = 84 Chapters BREAKDOWN of Chapter Membership across Region X Notice the number of Chapters with more than 250 members
In Virginia, Chapter membership breaks down as follows: More than 250 members = 12 Chapters Between 100 and 250 = 12 Chapters Less than 100 = 21 Chapters BREAKDOWN of Chapter Membership in Virginia Federation 12 Chapters with more than 250 members
Largest Chapter in Region X Chapter 893 – Springfield, Virginia Smallest Chapter in Region X Chapter 2035 – Warren County, Tennessee Smallest Chapter in Virginia Chapter 1068 – Bedford As of April 1 Chapter 893 = 669 Members Chapter 2035 = 9 Members Chapter 1068 = 13 Members
Region X ranks 2nd with members holding National-only status Region X ranks 2nd with members holding National-only status. Region X = 13,645 National-only members and 13,433 Chapter members. Regionally = National vs. Chapter 51% Region VII Arizona – Colorado – New Mexico – Utah – Wyoming Region National Only Chapter Members Total Members % National Only 7 6,856 5,634 12,490 54.89% 10 13,645 13,433 27,078 50.39%
Virginia ranks 9th = 7,733 National-only members and 7,168 Chapter members Virginia = National vs. Chapter 51% Federation National Only Chapter Members Total Members % National Only WY 328 187 515 63.69% MT 732 450 1,182 61.93% DC 825 565 1,390 59.35% CO 2,800 2,053 4,853 57.70% UT 538 397 935 57.54% VI 23 20 43 53.49% AZ 2,223 2,001 4,224 52.63% NC 2,900 2,650 5,550 52.25% VA 7,733 7,168 14,901 51.90% Totals of top 8 Federations compared to Virginia National Members = 10,369 Chapter Members = 8,323 % National only 55.47%
Primary reason for Chapter closures is the lack of members willing to step-up and assume a leadership position Long-standing problem within NARFE Federations have excellent officer/leadership training Individuals who have stepped down from leadership positions ALWAYS willing to assist in the development of new leaders Each of us can identify one or two persons that have served as mentors on NARFE procedures and issues Primary reason for Chapter closures Long-term problem Possible solutions
NARFE is 98 years old Admiration for those individuals who love NARFE and are willing to do anything possible and are almost as old as NARFE itself - - - mid 80s and early 90s Chapter Officer in Virginia in his early 90s Recently stepped down after many years of dedicated service to Chapter and Area Organization is 98 years old Great admiration Individuals serving as Chapter Officers are almost as old as NARFE Individual recently stepped down as Chapter Officer in early 90s
Future of NARFE and Strategic Planning Committees proposal Led by Congressional District Liaison Efforts could lead to following: Member involvement in all advocacy efforts Attendance at public events having Congressional involvement Attendance at fundraisers approved by NARFE HQ Future of NARFE Strategic Planning Committees proposal INTENT
Virginia has done an excellent job towards development of the CDL/SLL program CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Virginia success was shown at the recent National Legislative Training Conference now known as LEGcon19
NC Federation Voting Procedures OCM and OMOV passed at 2016 National Convention Required support to chapter and national-only members in all aspects of Federation structure and operations Necessitated Federation bylaws revision OCM and OMOV passed at 2016 National Convention Required support to chapter and national-only members Necessitated Federation bylaws revision No accommodation for national-only members Bylaws revised at May 2017 Federation Convention New Bylaws – Template for all Federations NC Federation of Chapters becomes NC Federation All NC NARFE members permitted to run for Federation office or be appointed to Federation Board positions All NC NARFE members permitted to vote
NC Voting Procedures VOTING PROCEDURES COMMITTEE Established May 2017 Seven members with extensive Federation/Chapter experience No National-only members Charged to develop new process Voting Procedures Committee Established May 2017 Seven members with extensive Federation/Chapter experience No national-only members Charged to develop new process Former process was chapter delegates voting at annual conventions New process must include national-only members New process approved in November 2017
NC Voting Procedures PROCESS What’s to be voted on? How’s information provided to members? Who’s eligible to vote? When is the vote? NOTES NEXT PAGE
NC Voting Procedures PROCESS Who’s responsible for conducting the vote? Ballot and Teller Committee Ballot and Teller Committee Responsibilities Create actual ballot Count the ballots NOTES NEXT PAGE
NC Voting Procedures CONCLUSION Process was successful Process will need some tweaking Electronic vs. paper ballot Supporting documents available NOTES NEXT PAGE
Update on the success in the Virginia Federation Everyone knows how NARFE-PAC contributions help us build strong relationships. Update on the success in the Virginia Federation 2019 (8th Quarter) and a comparison to 2018 (4th Quarter) Update on the success in VIRGINIA Federation with a comparison of 2019 (8th Quarter) and a comparison to 2018 (4th Quarter)
VIRGINIA As of 3/31/2019 2019 2018 Difference Contributors 1,299 853 2019 2018 Difference Contributors 1,299 853 + 446 Donations $ 99,002.00 $ 48,154.00 + $ 50,848.00 Average Donation $ 76.21 $ 56.45 + 19.76 Sustainers 50 40 + 10
(Enter NARFE Region X in FaceBook search box) NEW (Under Construction) Region X Website ( Regional Updates NEB Meeting Summaries Region X FaceBook (Enter NARFE Region X in FaceBook search box) NARFE Daily News Clips A new Region X website is currently “under construction”. In order to insure that important information reaches as many NARFE members in Region X as possible, items of interest such as Regional Updates and NEB Meeting Summaries ( Will continue to share NARFE Daily News Clips on the NARFE Region X FaceBook page Enter NARFE Region X in the FaceBook search box
Hosted by the North Carolina Federation Scheduled for September 24 – 26 Hawthorne Inn and Conference Center 420 High Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Agenda is being developed – Suggestions welcomed Comments on evaluations from 2017 Conference Meeting with hotel personnel in June to discuss food and beverage options Individuals interested in attending should provide any dietary restrictions by June 1
Conference Registration – $100.00 Hotel Room Rate – $94.00 plus taxes Information flyer and registration form available
Thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to join your fellow NARFE members here today Our members have the potential to make a difference Overall growth and success of NARFE Your involvement and participation is an absolute necessity Thank you for joining other members here today I am proud of NARFE and believe that our members have the potential to make a difference in the overall growth and success of NARFE Each of us would love to sit back and watch the world go by, let our grandchildren teach us how to operate our smartphones and let the youngsters carry on the fight; but that doesn't seem to be possible We all need to continue! And we need to do it together! Step up and join in!
Questions? Thoughts? I look forward to discussion with you all the challenges that lie ahead, and how we’re changing to meet those challenges. If you have any questions at any time, please contact me by e-mail at
REMEMBER Together, we can move NARFE forward.