Global Problems, Environment (Globální problémy, životní prostředí)
What are global problems of today? The biggest problems in today’s world are: Environmental problems Wars Human rights issues Drugs Hunger and poverty Unemployment
What are main environmental problems? Main environmental problems are: pollution of air, water and ground ozone holes acid rain deforestation greenhouse effect global warming (increasing of the temperature of Earth)
What can you do to protect the environment? If we want to protect the atmosphere we should: use public transport instead of car, it helps reduce pollution or we shloud walk or cycle, it is healthy and ecological.
What can you do to protect the environment? We shouldn´t be noisy in the woods and tear flowers. We should never light fire in forests – there is the danger of fire. We shouldn´t use fertilizers in the garden.
What can you do to protect the environment? We should use less washing up liquid - it pollutes the seas and rivers. We shouldn´t drop rubbish in the street - it looks and smells horrible.
about the problem of waste? Reduce! – Reuse! – Recycle! What can you say about the problem of waste? People are producing more and more waste. This waste can pollute the ground, water and air. What can we do to help? We should remember the three Rs: Reduce! – Reuse! – Recycle!
Reduce! – Reuse! – Recycle! Don´t buy things you don´t really need. Don´t buy pre-packed food – there is a lot of waste from it.
Reduce! – Reuse! – Recycle! We can reuse for example plastic bottles, boxes or bags … We can give old things (such as clothes, toys…) to charity We can borrow books, magazines, newspapers...
Reduce! – Reuse! – Recycle! Recycling has very important role in reducing pollution and protecting natural resources. Waste for recycling has to be separated – there are special containers for paper, glass, plastics…
Reduce! – Reuse! – Recycle! A lot of papers products can be made from recycled paper – newspapers, toilet paper, egg boxes. Other things for recycling are mobile phones, glass, aluminium, motor oil, cartridges and plastics.
What should be done to prevent wasting of energy in households? Every year people need more and more energy. To prevent wasting of energy: We should turn the heating down and dress warmer if we're cold.
We should use energy-efficient products. We should save energy - switch off lights and other electrical appliances (TV, PC) when we're not using them. We should use energy-efficient products. We should use rechargeable batteries. We should save water (have a shower rather than a bath, repair the dripping tap).
Environmental organizations There are many organizations trying to protect our environment, for example: Greenpeace Friends of the Earth World Wildlife Fund Earth First
We can see that each of us could change our lifestyle to protect our planet.