State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Presented by: Garza Elementary 5th grade teachers Mrs. Champion Mrs. Gonzalez Mrs. Salazar Mrs. Torres
General Information STAAR is a criterion-referenced test that measures a student’s performance in comparison to the curriculum standards, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), for each subject and grade level.
STAAR Standards •Readiness Standards… Supporting Standards… -are essential for success in the current grade or course. -are important for preparedness for the next grade or course. -support college and career readiness. -necessitate in-depth instruction. -address broad and deep ideas. Supporting Standards… -may be introduced in the current grade or course. -maybe emphasized in a previous or subsequent year. -may be reinforced in the current grade or course. -play a role in preparing student for the next grade or coarse – but not a central role. -address more narrowly defined ideas than Readiness Standards.
STAAR Tests Grade 5: Reading, Math, and Science 5th grade students must pass reading and math STAAR to be promoted to 6th grade (Student Success Initiative = SSI). Only 5th grade students have the opportunity to retest.
Testing Dates First administration: April 9th: Math April 10th: Reading Second administration: May 13th: Math (Retest) May 14th: Reading (Retest) May 15th: Science Third administration June 24th: Math June 275h: Reading Each testing session is 4 hours.
Accountability Performance Labels _ Below Level - Does not meet requirements Level I: Approaches – College Bound 47%-67% Level II : Meets – University Level -69%-81% Level III: Mastery –83%-92% Ivy League 94%-100% **Emphasis is on College and Career Readiness.
STAAR is Rigorous! 5th grade students read 3 or 4 single selections and a paired selection. 38 questions in 5th grade. 5th grade students are required to read, comprehend, and analyze up to 3,300 words maximum in 4 hours. Field test Questions: 800 words maximum New Policy – all students will be allowed the use of a dictionary on the Reading test.
STAAR READING GRADE- 5 What is being tested and what are the expectations?---. 38 Questions Reporting Category 1: Understanding/Analysis Across Genres (8) Reporting Category 2: Understanding/Analysis of Literary Texts (16) Reporting Category 3: Understanding/Analysis of Informational Texts (14)
Genres Assessed- Literary Students in 5th grade are assessed using: Fiction Literary Nonfiction Poetry Drama Media literacy (technology) is embedded throughout the test.
Genres Assessed- Informational Texts Students in 5th grade are assessed using: Expository Procedural Media Literacy Persuasive Media literacy (technology) is embedded throughout the test.
Paired Selections Strands and genres can be mixed! Literary-Literary Fiction-poetry Literary nonfiction-drama Fiction-literary nonfiction Informational- Informational Expository- expository Expository-persuasive Literary- Informational Fiction-expository Poetry-expository Literary nonfiction-persuasive
Students must be able to… analyze a variety of texts, their organizational patterns, and make connections between texts in a logical way. draw conclusions about the interaction of characters and the changes they undergo throughout the text. make complex inferences within and between a variety of text using text evidence.
Students must be able to… recognize how the structure of the text affects meaning. determine the meaning of unfamiliar and multiple-meaning words using context, prefixes, suffixes, and roots.
Students must be able to… understand how the author uses sensory language to create imagery and how figurative language contributes to the meaning. identify the theme, determine the order and importance of the plot’s main events. summarize the plot and describe the interaction of characters.
Students must be able to… identify the author’s purpose. use text features to locate information that supports meaning.
How can parents help? Make sure that students read at least 30 minutes daily! Read with your children, have conversations about what they are reading and ask questions. “Think out loud” to help your child understand how to logically think through the information. Make sure that your child does their homework and that they show all work clearly. Make sure your child’s work shows clear thinking, as well as the depth of their thinking.
STAAR MATH GRADES 5 More Rigorous? What does that mean? Uses complex questioning that requires analysis and logical reasoning to understand the task. Multiple-step problems with fewer key word indicators to help determine appropriate strategies. Fill-in griddable questions without answer choices. Test is limited to 4 hours 5th Grade - 36 questions * 6 field test questions have been added which extend the length of the test to 42 questions .
STAAR Math Griddables
STAAR MATH GRADE- 5 What is being tested and what are the expectations The 5 Math Reporting Categories and Student Expectations Category 1-Numerical representation and Relationships: (6) The student will demonstrate an understanding of how to represent and manipulate numbers and expressions. Category 2: Computation and Algebraic Relationships: (17) perform operations and represent algebraic relationships, . Category 3: Geometry and Measurement: (9) represent and apply geometry and measurement concepts. Category 4: Data Analysis and Personal Financial Literacy: (4) represent and analyze data and how to describe and apply personal financial concepts. . * Mathematical process standard :these students expectations will not be listed under a separate recording category. Instead, they will be incorporated into test questions across reporting categories since the application of mathematical process standards is part of each knowledge statement.. The students will need to read carefully to identify the appropriate steps.
STAAR MATH GRADES 5 How Parents Can Help? Help your child memorize multiplication facts- practice with flashcards Encourage your child to show all their work and explain it to you Model your thinking aloud to solve problems and then have your child solve a similar problem Use math vocabulary with your child Make connections to every day math Find online resources - (Google specific skills to locate practice) Make your child read EVERYDAY. Good reading skills are essential to understanding STAAR math problems.
How Parents Can Help? (cont.) Ask Your Child Higher Level Questions How would you explain ….? Why does this work/not work …? How could you verify…? How would you prove… or disprove…? What can you conclude about…? What information lead you to draw this conclusion? Where else could you apply this thinking?
STAAR Science 36 Multiple Choice Questions Extensive use of content vocabulary Application of scientific knowledge
STAAR Science GRADE- 5 What is being tested and what are the expectations?-.36 questions & 6 field test questions Reporting Category 1: Matter & Energy (6) Reporting Category 2: Force, Motion & Energy (8) Reporting Category 3: Earth & Space (12) Reporting Category 4: Organisms& Environment (14) Process Skills: (embedded at least 40% of the time)
How Can Parents Help? Practice science vocabulary at home.. Encourage discovery. “How do you think that happened?” “What if we changed this?” Get on the computer! TONS of science websites. Reading: iStation, Summitk-12, Learning Farm Math: Education Galaxy, Learning Farm Science: Education Galaxy, Summitk-12, Learning Farm
It’s all about ATTITUDE! Think like a “STAR” Conquer the “STAAR”
HOW THE STAAR TESTING WILL GO: Details: We will provide breakfast as usual. Testing begins ASAP 4 hours to test (unless student is testing in non-native language) Clock stops for medical emergencies No Specials (PE/Music/Computers) Testing Materials: Test Booklets Answer Document Mathematics chart Graph paper Pencils Highlighters
WHAT PARENTS CAN DO TO HELP: The Night Before Visualization: Have a conversation with your child about what the day will look like. Get a good night's sleep. Kids need a full 8 hours of sleep. Self-Talk: give your child a few phrases that can motivate him/her "I just need to do my best!" "I can do it." "Stay cool." Answer any fears or questions your child might have. Prepare your child’s snacks, pencils, clothes, etc. the night before. On STAAR Testing Day Eat a good, healthy breakfast. Do a relaxing activities like taking deep breaths, tensing muscles and then relaxing them, talking about something unrelated to STAAR. Arrive early or on-time to school. All electronic devices will need to be left at home. no Ipads, no backpacks nor cell phones will be allowed. Wear layers so your child is comfortable in any temperature. Remain calm and positive.
School will be a closed-campus week of April 8-12 School will be a closed-campus week of April 8-12. No lunches or drop-offs will be allowed. We will be available for any remaining questions. Thanks for attending!