The Virtual Instruments Presented by: Peter Blach and Jace Curtis Advisor: Dr. Arthur Broderson
Objectives Development of software package (Windows 95/98) virtual oscilloscope power supply function generator multimeter Our project consists of developing a software package that is first of all compatible with the windows 95/98 environment. This software package will consist of a virtual oscilloscope, a power supply, a function generator, and a multimeter.
Specific Aims Develop software and perform multiple tests (make sure software works) Incorporate work into EECE 213 Laboratory (Labs 1-9) Our specific aims are two fold. The first goal we have is not only to develop a software package, but to test is thoroughly to make sure that everything works accordingly. The second goal is to incorporate all of the work that we performed into Labs 1-9 in the EECE 213 coarse here at Vanderbilt.
Equipment National Instruments LabView 5.0 National Instruments PCI-16E-MIO Data Acquisition boards Standard Desktop computers So now you might be wondering, “how are these guys gonna make all of these virtual instruments?” Well, the software package of choice is National Instruments LabView 5.0. This package is a high level program language that can best be described as a cross b/w VB and P-Spice. It allows you to control and acquire voltages from hardware boards effectively without the hassles of low-level programming. Also, a National Instruments PCI-16E-MIO data acquistion board will be used. The last item that will be used is a standard desktop computer.
Schedule January 31, 2000 - Oscilloscope February 15, 2000 - Function Generator February 18, 2000 - Power Supply March 14, 2000 - Phase Measurement March 31, 2000 - Rough draft of labs
Progress Week 1 (Jan 10) - first meeting Week 2 (Jan 17) - schedule of needs Week 3 (Jan 24) - oscilloscope The first week we performed the basics. This included our first meeting with Dr. Brodersen in which we established the general goals of the project. During the second week we met with a graduate student by the name of Lason Watai which will be working with us on our project and we sat down and made a detailed schedule of what needs to be done during the semester in order to ensure that our project will be completed on time and successfully. The third week (last week) we began work on the virtual oscilloscope using the National Instruments software and did complete the o-scope by mid week. The rest of the week was dedicated to testing and ironing out minor bugs from the o-scope. Starting this week we plan on finishing the virtual function generator (which I might add is complete but has not been tested) and making sure it too works properly.
Function Generator
Webpage Updates and progress monitored via world wide web at
Acknowledgements Thanks to Dr. Broderson and Lason for the help so far