THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS Recruitment of new staff is the responsibility of the Human Resources Department. Recruitment is about appointing the best person to do the job. Each individual within a business is responsible for carrying out specific tasks. If those people are unable to carry out their duties this will eventually affect the company’s performance/success. Each person is different – differences can be – physical, intellectual, personality, knowledge, skills. When recruiting staff it is important to place them in a job best suited to them.
Vacancy Occurs Vacancy may arise as a result of: Retirement; Promotion; Resignation; Business expansion.
Job Analysis A study of what the job entails; A description of the tasks, skills qualities and training required to do the job.
Job Description The Job Description is a written description of what the job consists of: The job title; The position within the organisation; A list of duties.
Person Specification The Person Specification lists the: Qualifications; Experience; Skills; And the Personal Qualities of the ideal candidate.
Job is Advertised May be advertised: Internally – notice boards, circulars, company magazines; Externally – local or national papers, recruitment agencies, careers service. THERE ARE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES ATTACHED TO BOTH METHODS OF RECRUITMENT – INTERNAL: Advantages – more is known about existing staff, existing staff require less induction training, internal appointments are quicker and less expensive, existing staff may be more committed, more motivated, Disadvantages – better qualified people may be available outside organisation, resentment may exist between staff who were unsuccessful, existing staff may find it difficult to work for someone who had been at the same level as themselves. EXTERNAL: Advantages – bring new ideas, will want to create a good impression, will work hard for the company, may encourage existing staff to work harder to achieve promotion. Disadvantages – recruitment process takes longer, more expensive, existing staff may resent an outsider, may be found to be unsuitable
Candidates Apply Applicants may be asked to apply by submitting: A letter of application; An application form; A Curriculum Vitae.
Shortlisting Human Resources Manager will: Compares the documents submitted; Selects those who closely match the ‘person specification’; Invites short listed candidates to attend interview.
Interviews are Held The interviewers look for: Good answers to all questions; Attitude and dress; Body language.
Vacancy is Filled Following the interviews: Most suitable candidate Is selected; References are followed up and if satisfactory; Job offer is made; Contract is drawn up.