Introduction to library services, resources, and tools for ENCS 6931 Session given by Joshua Chalifour Find help here:
What we will cover Information finding techniques Stating the problem Accessing the research Tips and tools for citing Resources to support your projects Getting help
Finding information
You will need to find information Progress reports Resources you consulted to learn about issues you worked on? What did you use and did it help you on the job? Final Report Introduction Literature review? Refer to current research in journal and conference papers Introduction: provide background information on your project Literature review: provide an overview of work relevant to your project that has been accomplished previously; shed light on the issues you discuss and support your work with scientific references.
Think about your project Brainstorm ideas and explore a few Group the research into topics and determine your focus Start searching specifically for your focus Track terms used to describe the research search strategies useful databases references that you find (you’ll need these later) Be selective (dates, sources, etc.)
Getting started with your research Background information or just starting out?
Finding research with databases or Google Scholar OR ocean Consider articles types and their sources. Ask questions about who would write on your topics and think about their timeliness. Search in databases or other resources? Search operators: AND OR 145 vs. 2312 results
Accessing print and electronic resources Locate articles Find books BCI card Interlibrary loans How to use Concordia’s system to locate articles or books How to get articles or books when the library doesn’t have them
Tips and tools for citing
Concordia Library will discontinue use of RefWorks, Spring 2020. ENCS Subject Guide Links to IEEE style Concordia Library will discontinue use of RefWorks, Spring 2020. Writing & Citing help How to cite & prepare bibliographies
Citation management tool? Zotero or RefWorks E-mail: for help
Also supports Chrome & Safari Integrates with Microsoft Word LibreOffice Google Docs some LaTeX No charge! Also supports Chrome & Safari
Google Docs
Resources to support your projects
Literature review Synthesis Evaluate what others have written But how? Introduces the issues Gives background Gives justification for what you’re doing Evaluate what others have written relationships between the literature what has been learned flaws gaps But how? & What should it look like?
Guides to writing theses, reports, etc. Scientific Papers and Presentations Martha Davis, Kaaron J. Davis, Martion M. Dunagan A Guide to Writing as an Engineer David Beer and David McMurrey Quick guide for writing a literature review Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Heah, Kenneth Keng Wee Ong Oral communication excellence for engineers and scientists: based on executive input [electronic resource] By Judith Shaul Norback “Engineering students and practicing engineers generally cannot give stellar presentations or communicate flawlessly by phone, in meetings, and in teams. They have little notion about which medium (in-person, voicemail, E-mail, IM, texting) is most effective in particular situations. And students and professionals are not aware of how to use oral communication to network on the job” Engineering your writing success: how engineers can master effective on-the-job communication skills Locate in the library at this call number: T 11 V55 1996 By James E. Vincler & Nancy Horlick Vincler Guide to research projects for engineering students: planning, writing and presenting Locate in the library at this call number: TA 160 L46 2016 By Eng-Choon Leong, Carmel Lee-Hsia Heah, Kenneth Keng Wee Ong This book gives instructions, checklists, and other guidance to students that are embarking on a research project. It helps students plan and conduct research projects, write up the results, and present them. “This book aims to help engineers to communicate effectively with non-engineers, in the business context. It will also be useful to people from other technical or numerate backgrounds.” How to Communicate in Business [electronic resource] By David Silk
5th floor – T11… Writing guidelines for common engineering documents, preparing presentations, writing reports +
Recommended pages – Library guides Engineering and Computer Science – Subject & Course guide Co-op Work Term Report Course Guide for Technical Writing & Communication Writing Guides for Engineers
How to get help In person at the reference desk or Web site Subject guides Online chat Fig. 3. Conversation. (Downey).
Sources Downey, Michael. Conversation. The Noun Project. 2016. Kondratev, Sergey. Meeting. The Noun Project. 2016.