Student Health Insurance Costs: How Much Will I Pay? Laura Burkhart MD, MPH Staff Physician Zerfoss Student Health Center
Visits at Student Health We see all enrolled students, regardless of insurance plan Your visits with a Student Health Center provider are free
Costs at Student Health Small charges for supplies or blood testing/labs Small charges for medications dispensed on site Payment is required the day when service is given You can use Commodore Card or Credit Cards
Services Outside Student Health Your medical provider at Student Health might refer you to a specialist outside of Student Health Specialist visits are not free and there will be a charge You also might need to obtain other services such as X-rays or other imaging These services are also not free, and there will be a charge
Initial Cost First you pay the deductible This is the amount you pay before the Insurance plan starts to pay $250/year for services in preferred hospitals and clinics $500/year for non-preferred (out of network) hospitals and clinic Also separate $100 for prescription deductible each year
Subsequent Costs Copayment/Copay: This is your part of the cost. After your deductible, you pay: 10% if at Vanderbilt 20% outside of Vanderbilt (but preferred in-network clinic) 40% if outside the Vanderbilt and preferred network In addition, you pay $100 extra each time you go to the Emergency Department if you’re not admitted to stay in the hospital.
Pharmacy Usage and Copays You must pay your $100 pharmacy co-pay before your benefits start After you pay this $100 co-pay, each medication will be covered at a set price depending on type and brand $15 generics $50 brands $75 specialty medicines
Vanderbilt Student Insurance Representative Kristy Miller Located at the Vanderbilt Student Center 615-343-4688
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