My Top 5 New Developments in Female Sexuality SexTherapy-Online, PLLC Rhiannon Beauregard, MA Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Supervisor Certified Sex Therapist Specialist-Problematic Sexual Behavior
Disclaimer SexTherapy-Online, PLLC is an all-inclusive practice and works with all genders and orientations. This brief presentation will be applicable to all genders and orientations. Specific female references can include non- binary and transgender men and woman.
#1: Dr. Emily Nagoski’s Influential Book Come As You Are: The SUPRISING NEW SCIENCE that will TRANSFORM your sex life! Everyone can benefit from this book!
#1: Dr. Emily Nagoski’s Influential Book Some Key Points from the Book Influencing Sexuality Today Two systems around arousal and desire: Sexual Inhibition System (SIS- the brakes) and Sexual Excitation System (SES- the gas). Many people with low desire or arousal actually have normal excitation systems but VERY HIGH BRAKES! Responsive vs. Spontaneous Desire The Role of CONTEXT in Sexual Situations The Role of ACCEPTANCE as a main intervention around female sexuality and sexual self-esteem
#2: A hands-on website with a variety of learning opportunities that focuses for the first time ever, on how women like to be TOUCHED and how they touch themselves. A variety of mediums are used (text, video interviews, demonstrations, and hands-on manipulation through the computer)
#3: Monogamy and Consensual Non-Monogamy as a SEXUAL and RELATIONSHIP ORIENTATION COMPULSORY MONOGAMY: The idea that monogamy is the only correct way to structure relationships, that monogamous relationships are natural, have always been natural, and will continue to be the only legitimate form of relationship. Compulsory Monogamy is inescapable, it inevitably has shaped your ideas about relationships (Sheff, 2018). 👭
#3: Monogamy and Consensual Non-Monogamy as a SEXUAL and RELATIONSHIP ORIENTATION CONSENSUAL and ETHICAL NON-MONOGAMY (CNM) is an umbrella category that covers a range of relationship styles that describe openly conducted multiple partner relationships. CNM ranges from polygamy and polyamory on the serious, long term relationship end of the spectrum, to open, monogamish, or swinging relationships that may have more emphasis on sexual variety and less emphasis on emotional intimacy with multiple partners.
#3: Monogamy and Consensual Non-Monogamy as a SEXUAL and RELATIONSHIP ORIENTATION
#3: Monogamy and Consensual Non-Monogamy as a SEXUAL and RELATIONSHIP ORIENTATION Exclusively Monogamous Mostly Monogamous Kinda Monogamous Somewhat Monogamous and Non-Monogamous Kinda Non- Monogamous Mostly Non-Monogamous Exclusively Non-Monogamous
Non-Monogamy isn’t Cheating We would call that non-consensual, non-ethical non-monogamy… Non-monogamy is about honesty, communication, consent, and collaboration… these things are not present in cheating or non-consensual non-monogamy
#4: Sexual Issues in Relationships Often Are Related to TWO Primary Issues SEX and ATTACHMENT For more information read my blog on Sex and Attachment: https://sextherapy- SEX and ANXIETY For more information read my blog on Sex and Anxiety: and-anxiety/ And both of these issues need quality therapy to resolve!
#5: As Security, Safety, and Stability Increase in a relationship, DESIRE, AROUSAL, and EROTICISM Decreases Sex therapist and psychotherapist Esther Perel in her book The State of Affairs stated that, “contained within the small circle of the wedding band are vastly contradictory ideals. We want our chosen one to offer stability, safety, predictability, and dependability… and we want that very same person to supply awe, mystery, adventure, and risk.”
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