Communications Haven, Yovannca
What is communication? Communication is a two way street. Communication happens when information is shared between two people. Successful communication relies just as much on the person receiving the message as it does on the person sending the message. Most people think of communication as talking, or verbal communication. You can communicate nonverbally with body movements and by the look on your face. Communication can also be in written form or electronic. Good communication will not only help you improve your personal relationships, but also succeed in the workplace.
Listening Listening is the most important part of communicating. Being able to hear and actually understand and focus on what someone is saying plays a big aspect in the conversation. Just because you hear what they say doesn’t mean you are listening. Listening is paying attention hearing is just hearing what they say. 5 tips for listening in the workplace Focus on the person speaking Make sure you understand Wait for your turn to speak Show interest Repeat what was said in your own words
Written Communication Written communication is very common especially in today’s time. Everyday people write texts to communicate with their friends and family. Whether you’re writing a simple email or an important report, you should be professional by using proper grammar and punctuation. It must be clear and concise to properly convey the message. 5 tips for better written communication Write for your audience Use correct spelling and grammar Be professional Avoid slang and abbreviated words Consider your tone
Nonverbal Communication? What is it? - Nonverbal communication is communication where there’s no talking. It’s shown more with actions instead of words. Examples facial expression body language movements
What is Verbal Communication? -Verbal Communication is sharing information with the use of speech or language,in other words verbal communication is simply talking. p Tips for Verbal communication skills Speaking clearly, where they can understand you Choosing words carefully, so they don’t take it the wrong way Using the right tone, keeping calm when necessary Considering your audience, don’t whisper around people. Respond in an appropriate way.
Emotional Awareness Emotions are an important part in communication. Emotional awareness, or understanding feelings will help you be successful in communicating with others. You will notice the emotions of others and how the way they are feeling influences the way they communicate. 5 tips to improve emotional awareness Consider other peoples feelings Consider your own feelings Have empathy Operate on trust Recognize misunderstandings
Communicating in Difficult Situations. Let’s say you are working and all of a sudden a rude angry customer comes in and gives you a hard time. It is so like so so important for you to remain calm during these situations and act PROFESSIONAL Not all of the situations are going to be the same but every single one of them is going to require for you to respond and communicate in a way that is appropriate. You can’t always avoid hard situations, but learning or having good communication skills will help you handle them better Communication tips to help you handle situations: 1; Giving Criticism 2; Receiving Criticism. 3; Delivering BAD NEWS. 4;Saying NO. 5.Questioning.