Fairchild Semiconductor PowerPoint Best Practices


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Presentation transcript:

Fairchild Semiconductor PowerPoint Best Practices A guide to help you implement the corporate template and create impactful presentations. June 15, 2012

Strategic Intent Understand/articulate audience's challenges and present Fairchild solutions Consider specific audiences' messaging needs (design engineers versus CTOs) Establish objectives before creating presentation to help organize and measure success Since audience engagement is key, presentation should facilitate interaction when appropriate

Content Organization Structure presentation with an introduction, supporting details (stats, benchmarks, charts, market analysis, etc.) and end on a clear conclusion/call to action Include agenda to provide audience with presentation roadmap Combine text with visuals; the image must support main message of slide Assume presentation length of 20-30 minutes (or as indicated by agenda or conference schedule)

Design Guidelines To ensure corporate consistency for branding, only use the Fairchild PowerPoint template When creating visuals, utilize color palette provided Avoid any images or elements that do not directly communicate message Use only Fairchild purchased images (do not download images off the internet as there may be usage rights violation) Keep transitions and animation simple

Copy Guidelines Short, powerful headlines should summarize slide information Make clear and direct statements in bulleted format; no complete sentences Limit the number of words in bullets (no more than two lines per bullet) Depending upon supporting visual elements, no more than 10 bullets per slide Keep in mind if slide is becoming too lengthy, move some text to your speaker notes

Internal Version We created an internal version of the template to reduce the number of slide options and provide greater flexibility Acceptable to exceed number of bullets and text on a single slide Guidelines for internal usage are more flexible We also simplified the title slide to reduce file size and print costs (ink) Please avoid printing presentations for internal audience when possible

User Guide & Template Standards

Subtitle (Arial Bold 18pt, Yellow, Left Align) Presentation Title: One or Two Lines (Arial Bold 32 pt, Dark Blue, Left Align) Subtitle (Arial Bold 18pt, Yellow, Left Align) Date (Arial 16 pt, Black, Align Left)

Template Fonts The PowerPoint template uses the Arial font family. Do not substitute Arial with any other font. Use only the font family varieties noted below. Arial Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Arial Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Arial Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Arial Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Section Title (Arial Bold 32 pt, Dark Blue, Center Align)

Slide Title (Arial Bold, 32 pts, Dark Blue, Left Align) Subtitle (Arial Bold, 26 pts, Yellow, Left Align) Text (Arial 24pt, Black, Left Align) – Second Level Text (Arial 20pt, Black, Left Align) • Third Level Text (Arial 18pt, Black, Left Align) – Fourth Level Text (Arial 16pt, Black, Left Align) Fifth level (Arial Italic 14pt, Black, Left Align)

Slide Title (Arial Bold, 32 pts, Dark Blue, Left Align) Text (Arial 28pt, Black, Left Align) – Second Level Text (Arial 20pt, Black, Left Align) • Third Level Text (Arial 18pt, Black, Left Align) – Fourth Level Text (Arial 16pt, Black, Left Align) Fifth level (Arial Italic 14pt, Black, Left Align)

Slide Title (Arial Bold, 32 pts, Dark Blue, Left Align) Subtitle (Arial Bold, 26 pts, Yellow, Left Align) Text (Arial 24pt, Black, Left Align) – Second Level Text (Arial 20pt, Black, Left Align) • Third Level Text (Arial 18pt, Black, Left Align) – Fourth Level Text (Arial 16pt, Black, Left Align) Fifth level (Arial Italic 14pt, Black, Left Align) Graphic

Slide Title (Arial Bold, 32 pts, Dark Blue, Left Align) Subtitle (Arial Bold, 26 pts, Yellow, Left Align) Text (Arial 24pt, Black, Left Align) – Second Level Text (Arial 20pt, Black, Left Align) • Third Level Text (Arial 18pt, Black, Left Align) – Fourth Level Text (Arial 16pt, Black, Left Align) Fifth level (Arial Italic 14pt, Black, Left Align) Text (Arial 24pt, Black, Left Align) – Second Level Text (Arial 20pt, Black, Left Align) • Third Level Text (Arial 18pt, Black, Left Align) – Fourth Level Text (Arial 16pt, Black, Left Align) Fifth level (Arial Italic 14pt, Black, Left Align)

Slide Title (Arial Bold, 32 pts, Dark Blue, Left Align) Subtitle (Arial Bold, 26 pts, Yellow, Left Align) Text (Helvetica 24pt, Black, Left Align) – Second Level Text (Helvetica 20pt, Black, Left Align) • Third Level Text (Helvetica 18pt, Black, Left Align) – Fourth Level Text (Helvetica 16pt, Black, Left Align) Fifth level (Helvetica Italic 14pt, Black, Left Align)

Slide Title (Arial Bold, 32 pts, Dark Blue, Left Align) Text (Helvetica 24pt, Black, Left Align) – Second Level Text (Helvetica 20pt, Black, Left Align) • Third Level Text (Helvetica 18pt, Black, Left Align) – Fourth Level Text (Helvetica 16pt, Black, Left Align) Fifth level (Helvetica Italic 14pt, Black, Left Align)

Caption Text: Arial Italic, 14pt, Black, Center Align Slide Title (Helvetica Bold, 32 pts, Dark Blue, Left Align) Text (Helvetica 24pt, Black, Left Align) – Second Level Text (Helvetica 20pt, Black, Left Align) • Third Level Text (Helvetica 18pt, Black, Left Align) – Fourth Level Text (Helvetica 16pt, Black, Left Align) Fifth level (Helvetica Italic 14pt, Black, Left Align) Caption Text: Arial Italic, 14pt, Black, Center Align

Slide Title (Arial Bold, 32 pts, Dark Blue, Left Align) Caption Text: Arial Italic, 14pt, Black, Center Align Caption Text: Arial Italic, 14pt, Black, Center Align

Caption Text: Arial Italic, 14pt Black, Center Align

Slide Title (Helvetica Bold, 32 pts, Dark Blue, Left Align)

Color Palette Solid Colors Dark Blue Gray Red Yellow Light R: 31 G: 66 B:126 Gray R: 147 G: 160 B:168 Red R: 238 G: 45 B:36 Yellow R: 251 G: 283 B:21 Use black text on light shaded boxes Use black text on light shaded boxes Use black text on light shaded boxes Use black text on light shaded boxes Light Shaded Boxes Color #1: R: 31 G: 66 B:126 Color #2: White Gradient: 0-87% Line: .5 pt Black Color #1: R: 147 G: 160 B:168 Color #2: White Gradient: 0-100% Line: .5 pt Black Color #1: R: 238 G: 45 B:36 Color #2: White Gradient: 0-100% Line: .5 pt Black Color #1: R: 251 G: 283 B:21 Color #2: White Gradient: 0-100% Line: .5 pt Black Dark Shaded Boxes Use white text on dark shaded boxes Use white text on dark shaded boxes Use white text on dark shaded boxes Use white text on dark shaded boxes Color #1: R: 31 G: 66 B:126 Color #2: R: 18 G: 35 B: 66 Gradient: 0-100% Line: .5 pt Black Color #1: R: 147 G: 160 B: 168 Color #2: R: 87 G: 97 B: 168 Gradient: 0-65% Line: .5 pt Black Color #1: R: 238 G: 45 B:36 Color #2: R: 119 G: 38 B: 29 Gradient: 0-66% Line: .5 pt Black Color #1: R: 251 G: 283 B :21 Color #2: R: 136 G: 109 B: 31 Gradient: 0-100% Line: .5 pt Black

Contact Information If you need help working with the Fairchild PowerPoint template, please contact: Connie Berar P. 408-822-2762 connie.berar@fairchildsemi.com

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