Alfredo R. Galassi et al. JCIN 2016;9:1979-1991 IVUS-Guided Reverse CART Associated With Child-in-Mother Facilitated Technique (A) Para-ostial RCA CTO. (B) Retrograde GW subintimal at ostial RCA. (C) IVUS- confirmed GW subintimal position (white arrow) with extended vessel dissection. (D) IVUS-guided reverse CART. (E, F) Retrograde GW re-entry into mid RCA true lumen, with connection between antegrade and retrograde GWs, confirmed by IVUS (white arrow). (G) Guideliner (Vascular Solutions) (black arrow) assisted re-entry of retrograde GW (white arrow) into RCA guiding catheter. (H) Final result. Abbreviations as in Figures 1, 2, and 8. Alfredo R. Galassi et al. JCIN 2016;9:1979-1991 American College of Cardiology Foundation