Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Dr. Tracey Kumar
Quick Write What are some common explanations for the achievement gap? “For decades the National Assessment of Educational Progress (2013) has reported a reading proficiency gap between White, middle-class students, and students from diverse racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds” (Kumar, 2016, p 38). What are some common explanations for the achievement gap? What other possible causes can you think of?
Lesson 1: Objectives Explain the premise behind discontinuity. Describe and exemplify two types of discontinuity. Contrast discontinuities and other explanations for differential educational outcomes. Describe the implications of discontinuities.
Background & Rationale Why Should We Care? Background & Rationale
student Demographics 1980 2010
Teacher demographics
racism Silent Generation Baby Boomers Gen Xers Millennials 1928-1945 1946-1964 1965-1980 1981-Present
Differential Outcomes Outcomes of white students and students of color differ in terms of: Literacy achievement High school completion College attendance Special education status Discipline referrals Suspensions & expulsions
Cultural Discontinuity What Is It?
Micro Forces Occur at the classroom level and include: Participation structures; Narrative style; and Interaction patterns.
Macro Forces Occur at the institutional level and include: Institutionalized racism; Discriminatory policies; and Curricular decisions (Ladson-Billings, 1995).
Discuss the following questions in groups of 3-4 Buzz Groups How does cultural discontinuity differ from “common” explanations for the achievement gap? What are the implications for us as educators? Discuss the following questions in groups of 3-4
“Exit” Ticket On a post-it note…. Describe one thing you learned from this lesson. AND List one concern that came up for you. OR List one question you have about this topic. Affix your post-it to the What Stuck With You? board.
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP) What Is It?
T-Chart What are some myths about culturally relevant teaching? Truths What are some myths about culturally relevant teaching? What are some truths about culturally relevant teaching?
Lesson 2: Objectives Describe the components and characteristics of CRP. Identify the components and characteristics in case studies. Justify the components and characteristics with evidence. Create a content area learning activity that exemplifies the three components of CRP.
Crp: Components (Ladson-Billings, 1995) Academic Achievement Cultural Cultural Competence Cultural Critique (Ladson-Billings, 1995)
Definition “Culturally relevant pedagogy not only: addresses student achievement but also helps students to accept & affirm their cultural identity while developing critical perspectives that challenge inequities that schools (and other institutions) perpetuate” (Ladson-Billings, 1995, p. 469).
Knowledge Culturally relevant teachers believed... Knowledge must be viewed critically; Teachers must be passionate about it; Teachers must provide scaffolding; and Teachers must give multiple assessments.
Self & Others Culturally relevant teachers viewed... Teaching as an art; All students as capable learners; Themselves as part of the community; and Teaching as a way to “give back.”
Social Relations Culturally relevant teachers... Connected with their students; Encouraged collaborative work; and Developed a community of learners.
CRP In Action What Does It Look Like?
Teacher Characteristics: Quick Review Components of CRP: Academic Achievement Cultural Competence Cultural Critique Teacher Characteristics: Conception of knowledge Social relations Conception of self/others
Case Studies Form groups of 2-3 students, and read your case silently. Analyze the case for components & characteristics of CRP. Work together to respond to the discussion questions. Be prepared to share your responses with the class.
Discussion Questions Which components are evident in the case? Which components are not exemplified? What could you do to incorporate one of the missing components? Which teacher characteristics are evident in the case? Which teacher characteristics are not exemplified? What could you do to incorporate one of the missing characteristics?
Quick Write Thinking about your content area and students from your current or previous field experience classroom, develop one activity or lesson that incorporates all 3 components of culturally relevant pedagogy: (1) academic achievement; (2) cultural competence; and (3) cultural critique. Explain how each component is reflected in that lesson or activity, and be prepared to share your ideas with your peers.