Seismic update By Rico Tönis, TNO-DINO
Seismic update since September 2011 First set of TOTAL 2D digital seismics has been delivered (seismics of Brabant district). Seismic data is suitable for using in the deep mapping project of Mr. Doornebal TNO placed a second order to deliver TOTAL 2D digital seismics (Veluwe end Betuwe districts). Mr. Henk Driessen of TOTAL, Thanks!
Seismic update since September 2011 On request of AkzoNobel TNO wrote down their activities needed to deliver a 3D seismic survey to customer. The cost calculations are based on these activities. Due to the complaint of IF Technology TNO explained which kind of seismic data quality can be expected when customer pays for the conversion of 2D analogue seismic to 2D digital seismic. Follow up due to this complaint was the re-publication of the data policy on see: ditions.pdf TNO seismic catalogue is constructed now (concept is ready)
Seismic update since September 2011 Many TNO hours were spent to improve the seismic user interface on Problem: The user interface did not show all available 2D seismic data sets present in the DINO database. In Q this problem was analysed by TNO thoroughly: Due to inconsistencies between file names in navigation files and signal collection files only a subset of all TNOs 2D digital and analogue seismics were displayed in the user interface. After analysis in December 2011 TNO took action to improve the visibility of TNOs available 2D digital seismic surveys on
Seismic update since September 2011 Up to : Visibility all 2D digital seismic lines on From : Visibility all 2D digital seismic lines on
Seismic update since September 2011 At this moment TNO is improving the visibility of TNOs 2D analogue seismics in the user interface. Repairing the inconsistencies can not be done automatically! From January 2012 TNO is spending 2 days a week for one person till July 2012 to get rid of the inconsistencies between the names of the navigation files and the signal collections. TNO expects inconsistencies in the 2D analogue seismic data will be repaired in July In July 2012 TNO plans an update so that: additional D analogue seismic lines can be shown in the user interface on from July
Seismic update since September 2011 The usage of seismics and the open issues are indicating the need for improving the publication of seismic data on The seismic issues were addressed in the BRO project Seismics Because this BRO project is delayed, the need for the DINO DO seismic interest group is present. Suggestion: September 2012 meeting of seismic interest group: Members of DINO Seismic supply group are: Hagendijk, Hermi – ATP Oil & Gas, Aalpol, Robert Jan – Gaz de France (GDF), McCormack – Mark - GDF Production Nederland B.V., Jan Jaspers – NAM, Mourik-van der Bruggen, Solveig van – DANA Martin, Mark – Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS), Nieuwland, Frank – Total E&P Nederland B.V. Kluin, Fred – Wintershal Noordzee B.V.
Seismic update since September 2011 Members of DINO Seismic supply group are: Mrs. Hagendijk (ATP Oil & Gas), Mr. Aalpol (GDF), Mr. McCormack – (GDF), Mr. Jaspers (NAM), Mrs. van Mourik-van der Bruggen (DANA), Mr. Martin – (PGS),Mr. Nieuwland – (Total), Fred Kluin (Wintershall) Volunteers for the BRO Seismic Expert Group are: Mr. Driessen (TOTAL), Mr Eikelboom (NAM), Mrs. Fiona Dewey (Wintershall), Mrs Saras (GDF), Mr Aalpol (GDF)
BRO update