Name the Part of the Brain Name Sue Fox Date September 19, 2017
NAME OF PART: Frontal Lobe 1 FUNCTION OF THIS PART Planning, organizing, problem solving, emotions, behavior control, personality
NAME OF PART: Motor Cortex 1 FUNCTION OF THIS PART The main contributor to generating neural impulses that pass down the spinal cord and control the execution of movement
NAME OF PART: Sensory Cortex 1 FUNCTION OF THIS PART The outer layer of the brain that processes and make sense out of information gathered by our five senses. Each sense has it’s own place in the SC.
NAME OF PART: Parietal Lobe 1 FUNCTION OF THIS PART Where the information such as taste, temperature and touch are integrated (processed). Perception, math and spelling.
NAME OF PART: Occipital Lobe 1 FUNCTION OF THIS PART Makes sense of visual information so we are able to understand what we see. Works very fast.
NAME OF PART: Temporal Lobe 1 FUNCTION OF THIS PART Memory, understanding, language
NAME OF PART: Cerebellum 1 FUNCTION OF THIS PART Important for being able to perform everyday voluntary tasks such as walking and writing. It is also essential to being able to stay balanced and upright.
NAME OF PART: Brain Stem 1 FUNCTION OF THIS PART Controls the flow of messages between the brain and the rest of the body, I also controls basic body functions like breathing, swallowing, heart rate, blood pressure, consciousness, and whether you are awake or sleepy.