Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland: Introduction & Overview Patrick McMeekin | Adviser | SIB 13 th February 2013
First Investment Strategy (ISNI) launched in year rolling plan…revised every 3-4 years Over £10 billion invested to date Revised strategy published in October 2012 Further £13 billion to be invested by 2021
Why have an Investment Strategy? Encourages objective planning & better coordination Reduces risk of sub-optimal projects and piecemeal and non-complementary developments Focuses public and private sector resources on delivery Communicates a clear message to markets
NI Executive Budget £20bn per year Spending by Ministerial Departments £10bn Social Security payments £10bn Resource £9bn Capital £1.3bn PPP £1bn over ISNI period
Infrastructure: Types & Ownership: N Ireland Economic Social Environmental Public Semi-state Regulated Private Roads Schools Hospitals Justice Housing Tourism Costal defence Flood alleviation Electricity / Gas Telecoms Retail Leisure Housing Sea Ports Airports Waste management Water & Sewerage Public transport
Seven pillars of ISNI Networks Skills Health Social Environment Productive Justice Roads Public transport Energy (electricity, gas) Telecoms Ports £2.6 billion
Seven pillars of ISNI Networks Skills Health Social Environment Productive Justice Schools Libraries Further Education colleges Universities £2.1 billion
Seven pillars of ISNI Networks Skills Health Social Environment Productive Justice Primary Care Hospital modernisation Emergency services Residential care £2.9 billion
Seven pillars of ISNI Networks Skills Health Social Environment Productive Justice Regeneration Public housing Sports, culture & arts Museums £2.5 billion
Seven pillars of ISNI Networks Skills Health Social Environment Productive Justice Drinking water quality Waste water treatment Solid waste & recycling Flood risk management £1.8 billion
Seven pillars of ISNI Networks Skills Health Social Environment Productive Justice Enterprise/Innovation Tourism product Rural industries Public sector reform £0.7 billion
Seven pillars of ISNI Networks Skills Health Social Environment Productive Justice Police / Law enforcement Courts Forensic science Prison & probation services £0.7 billion
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