Presentation by Group-II Director of Agriculture, West Bengal Strategy to enhance productivity and production of paddy in stress prone areas (rainfed, flood prone etc) Presentation by Group-II Dr. P. Bhattacharyya Director of Agriculture, West Bengal
Group- 2 Bihar Jharkhand Chhattisgarh Odisha West Bengal Punjab Haryana Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu Jammu & Kashmir
Present Status of Paddy Area under different Stresses SI. No State Total Area under Kharif Paddy (in Lakh ha) Area under different Stress Condition (in Lakh Ha) Total stressed area (Lakh ha) Flood Drought Salinity 1 Bihar 34.00 12 14 2.5 28.50 2 Chattisgarh 37.18 8.0 8.00 3 Odisha 36.00 11.6 12.6 1.5 25.70 4 Haryana 13.54 4.14 5 Andhra Pradesh 16.50 2.0 1.7 5.70 6 West Bengal 42.00 7.80 11.50 1.25 20.55 7 Jammu & Kashmir 2.57 0.15 0.27 0.05 0.47 8 Jharkhand 17.00 14.0 14.00 TOTAL 198.79 33.55 62.07 11.44 107.06
Constraints Inadequate availability of stress tolerant high-yielding varieties suitable for drought/flood/salinity eco-systems. Fragmented land holdings thereby, leading to less mechanization. Severe weed infestation in rainfed upland rice eco-systems. Flash floods causing moderate to complete damage to crop. Sometimes delayed monsoon results in late sowing leading to low productivity. Deficiency of micronutrients. Imbalanced use of fertilizer.
STRATEGIES FOR STRESS (FLOOD PRONE) AREAS Selection of suitable submergence tolerant varieties, viz. Swarna Sub-1, etc. Promotion of community nurseries. Closer spacing with higher nos. of seedlings per hill for late transplanting. Staggered sowing of nursery at 10 days interval and double transplanting of long duration varieties. Early transplanting is advocated.
STRATEGIES FOR STRESS PRONE (RAINFED) AREAS Selection of suitable drought tolerant HYVs (e.g. Sahbhagi Dhan, Susk Samrat, Puspa, etc.). Establishment of community nursery near water sources. Creation of water harvesting structures like, check-dam, farm pond, etc. under BGREI, NMSA, RKVY, convergence with MNREGA, State Plan to capture run off water and development of efficient water delivery system. Application of organic manures. Popularization of direct sowing by Zero Till Seed Drill and Drum Seeder. Integrated weed management. Adopting closer spacing.
STRATERGIES FOR SALINITY PRONE AREAS Selection of suitable saline tolerant varieties, e.g., CSR 36 and CSR 43 for inland salinity & CR Dhan-405 for coastal salinity. Promotion of green manuring (Dhaincha/ Sunhemp). Application of Soil ameliorants like, gypsum. Application of F.Y.M. and vermi compost to improve of soil texture.
SUGGESTIONS Promotion of Stress tolerant varieties under different crop development programmes, e.g., BGREI, NFSM, RKVY, State Plan, etc. Preparation of Seed Rolling Plan by each state to address the deficit of stress tolerant varieties. Promotion of proven crop production technologies like, DSR by zero tillage and seed drill. Promotion of short duration drought tolerant varieties. Creation of awareness among the farmers through trainings and distribution of pamphlets about the stress tolerant varieties. Avoid burning of paddy straw. Incorporation of the same will improve the soil fertility . Spraying of 2% urea with 1% KNO3 during prolonged dry spells.
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