Welcome to AP Statistics with Mrs. McNelis Please find your seat (name on note card) Will the senator win re-election? Which of two flavor pizzas will people prefer the best? Which of two product lines will produce the most return on investment? How many of each size of pants should a manufacturer make? Is a new drug that was created by Merck going to work? Should we be concerned about the loss of honeybees? Is global warming happening?
About Mrs. McNelis * Grew up in Philly and NJ * Went to Virginia Tech * Graduated with degree in Math, minors in Spanish and Statistics * Enjoy running (half marathon, 10K, etc.) * Coach XC * Also teach AP Stat, and Stat & Data * Three sons: 4 year old, 1 year old twins
Overview of Statistics Statistics is all about DATA! What we will cover: How to collect good data and recognize bad data. How to organize and display data. How to calculate summary statistics, analyze and interpret the statistics. Use probability theory to understand randomness and use it to our advantage. Make inferences on populations and test these hypotheses using samples ** Combination of Math and Writing **
Materials Expectations * Notes * Book (class set and online) * CALCULATOR: 83+, 84, or 84+ Expectations * Personal Responsibility & Respect * College student behavior * Cell phone policy
About an AP class: * WILL prepare you for the exam (whether you are taking it or not) * FAST PACED! * Work Load (College level) * Tough grading… picky!
AP EXAM * THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 11:30 am * Review sessions in April & May * Strongly encouraged to take exam * College credit, saving $, etc.
Grading Final Course Grade Marking Period: HW & Classwork = 15% Quizzes/Tests/Projects = 85% Tests: calculators, re-tests Final Course Grade * MP1 = 40% * MP2 = 40% * Final Exam = 14% * Core Assessments (2) = 6% total
Extra Help * Make an appointment with me
Website: http://www.cbsd.org/Page/5374
Homework Book problems Take online Quia survey by midnight tonight! See wikispace for link! Last page of fact sheet filled out & signed- DUE FRIDAY
Textbooks! Read pages 2-3 in the textbook
Important Parts of this Textbook Three parts of a complete answer. The tell part is usually the most important! Great examples to follow when doing your homework and classwork. Will be used as closure activities
Great section for helping you not make common mistakes. Chapter Summary Definitions with page numbers Think; Show; Tell again
P. 14- Calculator screen shots TI TIPS