An Overview of the National Research Foundation Dr Albert van Jaarsveld May 2014
NRF Mandate – NRF Act Promote and support research through in order to funding, human resource development and the provision of the necessary research facilities in order to facilitate the creation of knowledge, innovation and development in all fields of science and technology, including indigenous knowledge and thereby to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of all the people of the Republic NRF Act, No 23 of 1998 2
knowledge economy in SA by NRF Mission To contribute to the knowledge economy in SA by attaining at least 1% of global R&D output by 2015
Passion for Excellence NRF Values Passion for Excellence World-class Service People-centred Respect Integrity and Ethics Accountability
NRF Core Competencies Leading edge grant management systems World class research benchmarking State-of-the-art research platforms Strategic science information and resources Facilitation of international science co-operation Science advancement through community engagement Catalyst for research collaboration Science and technology management
Investment Principles Healthy balance: strategy-driven vs. demand-pull Effective, goal oriented resource allocation Competitive funding Merit-based and rigorous peer review The Ph.D. as a driver Cross-fertilisation of talent within NSI Fairness, transparency, accountability Transformation and excellence
NRF Organisational Structure NRF Board Corporate Secretary CEO Deputy CEO: Astronomy HartRAO SA-SKA Project SAAO Astro/ Geosciences Biodiversity/ Environment Nuclear Deputy CEO: Strategy & National Research Facilities Institutional Engagement & Partnership Development (IEPD) Research Chairs & Centres of Excellence (RCCE) Knowledge Fields Development (KFD) Applied Research, Innovation & Collaboration (ARIC) Human & Infrastructure Capacity Development (HICD) International Relations & Cooperation (IR&C) Grants Management & Systems Administration (GMSA) Reviews and Evaluation (RE) Deputy CEO: Research & Innovation Support & Advancement (RISA) SAIAB NZG SAEON iThemba LABS OPERATIONAL DIVISIONS Strategy Unit Strategy Human Resources Legal Services Group Executive: Human Resources and Legal Services Group Executive: Finance & Business Systems ICT Governance Finance and SCM Knowledge Management Corporate Relations CORPORATE SERVICES Group Executive: Science Engagement and Corporate Relations SAASTA Science Awareness Science Engagement Science Education Science Communication
Office of the CEO Albert van Jaarsveld Ziphora Legodi Magda Marx Chief Executive Officer Ziphora Legodi Executive Assistant Magda Marx Board Secretariat Frannie Bosman Corporate Exec Assistant
The South African Science Landscape DST DHET the dti DE and DM NDA DoH DAFF DWEA National Treasury NRF HEIs SABS Mintek ARC MRC Weather Service Business Enterprises AISA Other Departments DC SANERI WRC TIA / BRICS SEDA HSRC Council for Geoscience MCM CSIR NECSA SANBI Level 1: High-level policy Government Advisory: CHE, NACI, ASSAf Level 2: Ministry Level 3: Agency Level 4: Research and Innovation Performers SANSA
SET Policy Landscape 1996 2002 2004 2007 S&T White Paper R&D Strategy S&T missions 10Yr Innovation Plan OECD Review of SA NSI Creation of DST New public S&T missions Biotechnology ICT Advanced manufacturing Astronomy Knowledge-based economy Grand challenges Human capital development NSI SWOT Benchmarked Developing the NSI
National Research Facilities Innovation System Value Chain Curiosity-driven research Needs/market-driven research Public appropriability Open research Directed research Development Commercialisation Agency - Core Grant NRF THRIP TIA National Research Facilities Product development Technology development Applied research Basic research Commercialisation Public appropriability Wealth creation
Knowledge Economy Index World Bank (KAM 2012)
NRF Income Trend
Divisions of the NRF NRF Vision 2015 Science Advancement Research and Innovation Support and Advancement (RISA) National Research Facilities Corporate support functions: Finance and business systems Human resources Stakeholder relations
Research and Innovation Support and Advancement (RISA)
Customer Centricity
Science Advancement (SAASTA) Promoting the science of today, for the world of tomorrow…
The National Research Facilities Second pillar 19
Enkosi, Thank you, Re a leboga, Siyabonga, Dankie